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Which of the following has been put forward by scholars as a possible factor in the emergence of slavery within the First Civilizations?
The early domestication of animals
How was India's social structure different from that of China?
Indian social groups were defined more rigidly.
Wang Mang's reform program following his seizure of the Chinese throne in 8 C.E. included
government loans to peasant families.
Like First Civilizations, societies of the classical era
were patriarchal in organization.
China was unique in the ancient world in the extent to which
its social organization was shaped by the actions of the state.
India and China during the classical era were similar in that in both societies
sharp distinctions and great inequalities characterized the social order.
Once the system of jatis in India was established,
an individual jati could slowly raise its standing in relation to other jatis in the local hierarchy by acquiring land or wealth.
During the classical era, slaves comprised more than one-third of the total population in
the Roman Empire.
The growth of democracy in classical Athens was accompanied by
the simultaneous growth of slavery on a massive scale.
In which of the following ancient societies did women enjoy the fewest restrictions?
Which of the following philosophical or religious traditions provided a unifying ideology for peasant rebellions in China?
Which of the following describes women's status in the classical civilizations?
Public life in general was a male domain, while women's roles took place mostly in domestic settings.
In contrast to women in Athens, women in Sparta
married men close to their age.
How did the centuries of political fragmentation and conflict following the fall of the Han Empire affect the lives of Chinese women?
Buddhism and Daoism grew in popularity, resulting in some loosening of the strict patriarchy supported by Confucianism.
Slaveholding was least widespread and least central to the economy of
The world's first and longest lasting professional civil service emerged in
Peasants were honored and merchants were looked down upon in the official ideology of
Which group was at the top of the caste system in India?
The combination of natural disasters, high taxes and rents, and state demands for labor and military service often sparked peasant rebellions in
Membership in a jati was based on a person's
The inequalities of the caste system received support from
Hindu notions of karma, dharma, and rebirth.
In India, the jati to which one belonged determined
whom one could marry.
In India, the caste system encouraged loyalty to
local communities.
Which of the following was a major source of slaves in the Roman Empire?
Prisoners of war
Although slaves in the Roman Empire performed all work, from the most prestigious to the most degrading, they were prohibited from
serving in the military.
Which of the following is an example of the "weapons of the weak" used by slaves to resist their enslavement?
In general, patriarchal systems that restricted women's lives were weakest
in the early years of a civilization's development.
Although the practice of patriarchy varied in the classical civilizations, they all
defined women's roles in reproductive terms.
In what way were the Yellow Turban Rebellion in Han China and the Spartacus Rebellion in the Roman Empire similar?
Both were large-scale, violent reactions to oppressive conditions.
The Appian Way, shown here, marks the path along which
slaves defeated in the Spartacus Rebellion were nailed to crosses.