closest to equator
stable year round climate
like tropical rainforest (high in productivity) --> more energy from sun (photosynthesis) to support more organisms
higher competition with more energy
habitat loss (draining wetlands) and fragmentation
prolonged drought/climate change
increase in UV rays
viral/fungal disease
natural immigration
regulates population size
predator consume prey
strengthen population by removing weak
establishment of communities in lifeless areas where there's no soil
several centuries to thousands of yrs to produce soil
physical weathering (wind/water/ice)
lichen / mosses secrete acids
a fast-responding fast-growing species
first to colonize a new area
can tolerate wide range of temperatures / conditions
community go through stages until stable point
reset by another disturbance
always changing / recovering
many offspring
reproduce early in life
reproduce often
short generation time
doesn't take into account limiting factors
only accurate prediction short period of time
describes a population that increases rapidly after only a few generations
move closer to carrying capacity (k)
accounts for limiting factors
birth/death rates nit constant
males not give birth (females need to produce 2 offspring to replace parents)
increase chance of genetic defects
courtship / mating rituals can be costly (energy)
genetic diversity
offspring protection
species that produce many "cheap" offspring
little / no parental care
small, short-lived adults
reach reproductive age rapidly
type 3 survivorship
species that produce few "expensive" offspring
lengthy parental care
high ability to compete
reproduce later in life
low ability to adapt to change compared to r strategists
type 1 and 2 survivorship