For: George
1) To Harold & Debbie…
To Harold and Debbie! cheers
1) George is going to take us south of the border with a little tune he calls…
“La Musica Para la Digestion.” Music to digest by. Enjoy!
1) twiddly music while Robbie and Julia meet
Sorry, the keys got stuck.
2) So what?
“So what”??
2) This is a business; we have to start thinking of it more like a business: getting our music out there, advertising, exploiting our contacts.
Contacts? The only famous guy we know is that weatherman from Channel 2 who made a pass at you at Arbys.
2) Oh, come on! We had the whole evening planned.
I made quiche!
2) Come on, George! Since Robbie’s not coming, I’ll buy you a lap dance, instead.
You and I really need to have a talk.
4) Alright microphone check one two one two. Potato. Potato. Folks, I’m afraid there has been a… an unexpected, uh…snafu.
Oh God…
4) Look, everything’s fine, Linda’s fine, there’s just been a…a real sudden, last-minute, um.. change of… uh… the bitch ain’t comin’.
weeping I hate her… I hate her!
5) Me and George, we’ve been getting kind of worried. You don’t seem to be bouncing back from this so good.
So we came over to cheer you up. Although it seems like what you need is not so much “cheering up” as “anti-psychotic medication.”
5) Linda was right to dump me. I haven’t done anything since middle school.
Forget her! We have a gig tonight. The McDonnough Wedding?
5) Let go. Mine.
Guys… Sammy…
5) It looks just like Linda. Only much, much smaller.
Ok, this is even worse than I though: Robbie is suffering from post-traumatic perception syndrome.
5) What?
It’s what happens to Luke on “General Hospital” after he saw his sister thrown off Stefano’s yacht and eaten by seals. Robbie might not be able to perform for several years.
2.4) Guys like us should have a pact. We should never make-out with each other’s chicks.
You got a deal, pumpkin.
Ricky, I’ll have a Pink Squirrel.
2.5) I can’t ruin her life. I have absolutely nothing to offer her.
Come on Sammy, we should go. `
2.7) Beginning
Fifty Years! Fifty Years!
2.7) Oh, Robbie. There’s no such thing as too late! Now go get that girl!
Mrs. Hart, we’ve lost half our band. This is awkward.