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Theme of Galatians:
Justification by faith
Who was Galatians written to?
a group of churches in the region of Galatia
Context of Galatians:
Judaizers were teaching salvation by works of the Law
Purpose of Galatians:
prove justification by faith alone apart from the Law
What was the style of Galatians?
Urgent style. No introduction or praise. Severe language
Theme of Ephesians:
"The mystery of the Church, the Body of Christ"
Purposes of Ephesians:
a. Reveal the mystery of the Church.
b. Help believers understand and use their spiritual resources.
How many Epistles were written by Paul in his first roman imprisonment?
4 (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon)
what was the Key Expression in Ephesians?
"in Christ". 35x
How is the believer viewed in Ephesians?
The believer is viewed as a temple, body, new man, bride, soldier.
a prominent religious center boasting the temple of Artemis.
Strengthened by God's Spirit in the inner man. How?
a. Choose. Determine to glorify Christ in all that you do
b. Listen. Sensitize your spirit to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Solitude/silence, Scripture, supplication.
c. Obey. Do the very next thing you already know God wants you to do.
Model for a successful marriage:
Christ's relationship with His bride, the Church
Submission is never about worth or dignity but about...
role and responsibility
Theme of Philippians:
"Joy in Christ"
Purposes of Philippians:
a. Thank them for a financial gift.
b. Teach them how to maintain unity.
What are the 3 principles of unity seen in Philippians?
- Consider others more important than yourself.
- Take into account the interests of others.
- Rejoice in the Lord rather than in your own accomplishments.
4 models of the principles:
- Christ: emptied Himself for others.
- Paul: poured out his life for others.
- Timothy: genuinely cared about others.
- Epaphroditus: selflessly served others
Theme of Colossians:
"The supremacy of Christ"
Context of Colossians:
false teaching that claimed mystical access to spirituality and devalued Christ.
What is Gnosticism?
religion which approaches the spiritual realm via mystical knowledge
Purpose of Colossians:
demonstrate the total sufficiency of Christ
What is the most Christocentric book in the Bible?
Colossians (Christ is mentioned 35 times)
Theme of 1 Thessalonians:
"The return of Christ"
Purposes of 1 Thessalonians:
a. Commend them for their faith.
b. Explain the mystery of the rapture of the Church. Thessalonians contain the strongest evidence that the rapture of the Church will occur before the tribulation period
The rapture of the church:
a. The Church will be kept from the wrath of God.
b. The rapture will be a departure for another destination.
c. The rapture is taught as a comfort.
d. The unfounded confusion of the Thessalonians.
e. The removal of the restrainer.
f. Christ's need to separate Gentiles who survive the tribulation.
g. The presence of children and sin in the millennium.
h. The imminent nature of the rapture.
i. The absence of the Church in Revelation
j. The analogy of the Jewish wedding ceremony
Three essential elements of the Christian life:
faith, hope, and love
Theme of 2 Thessalonians:
"The Day of the Lord"
Context of 2 Thessalonians:
false teachers claimed that the Day of the Lord had begun
Purpose of 2 Thessalonians:
demonstrate that the Day of the Lord had not yet begun.
The apostasy after the day of the Lord:
widespread departure from the truth
Theme of 1 Timothy:
"Conduct in the Church"
Purpose of 1 Timothy:
explain the organization and operation of the local church
(T/F) 1 Timothy was the first of 3 pastoral epistles
What is the key word in 1 Timothy?
doctrine (7x)
Which book contains a key passage on the role of women in the church?
1 Timothy (2:11-15)
Theme of 2 Timothy:
"Keep the faith!"
Context of 2 Timothy:
Paul's 2nd Roman imprisonment. Death is near
Purpose of 2 Timothy:
commission Timothy to carry on the fight of faith.
Timothy was....
young, physically weak, and timid
2 Timothy emphasizes what?
the inevitable suffering of a servant of God
Which book contains the most important declaration on the inspiration of Scripture
2 Timothy (3:16-17)
Characteristics of a fruitful ministry:
1. Reproduction in the lives of others.
2. Perseverance through suffering.
3. Study of God's Word.
4. Active pursuit of godliness.
Theme of Titus:
"Order in the Church"
Context of Titus:
Paul visits Crete after his first imprisonment and leaves Titus to organize the church.
Purpose of Titus:
instruct on the organization of the local church.
an island whose inhabitants were known for lying
Theme of Philemon:
Context of Philemon:
a. Paul's first imprisonment. v.10
b. Onesimus, servant of Philemon at Colosse, escapes, meets Paul and is saved.
Purpose of Philemon:
ask Philemon to forgive Onesimus
What book presents a beautiful analogy of God's forgiveness?
Philemon is a....
masterpiece of diplomacy, tact, courtesy.
What was the style of Galatians?
Urgent style. No introduction or praise. Severe language