High BR and DR as population is âcheckedâ regularly by disease, war and famine. No birth control, life expectancy is short and population growth is slow. No countries in stage 1 but few ethnic groups within the most inaccessible areas e.g. Amazonian tribes.
High BR and may increase marginally, but DR declines progressively. High BR reflects lack of birth control, factors of child marriage. Falling DR due to economic growth and improvements to hygiene, sanitation. Rapid population increase as gap in BR and DR widens. E.g. Niger, Mali.
BR starts to fall with availability of birth control and women marrying later due to economic development and education weakening cultural traditions. Smaller families and little to no child labour. Lower DR due to control of disease, improved health and sanitation. Pop growth increase but slowing. e.g. Brazil, N.India.
BR and DR fluctuate around a low level. Fluctuations in BR are associated with periods of economic recession. Overall stable but occasional periods of population fall. e.g. US, Canada, South Korea and many European countries.
BR falls for mainly economic reasons and/or DR rises again as a result of an ageing population, diseases of affluence etc. High stress lifestyles and poor diet challenges longevity of population growth. e.g. Germany, Japan.