Dissent: Anne Hutchinson; Witchcraft: Salem (1692), women and witchcraft, female heirs
John Cotton
puritan minister; viewed women as evil but a necessary good, believes in predestination
Calvinist; god decides if you are destined for heaven or hell before you are born, nothing you do can change this
covenant of works
to do good things for the society youre living with in (ex. kidness, charity, ect)
covenant of grace
free gift of salvation to human beings from god
1/10 of annual earnings are “donated” to the church to support the church and clergy
John Winthrop
governor of Massachusetts, was also a lawyer
Mary Dyer
one of Anne Hutchinson’s followers, converts to quakerism and then returns to Boston to convert the puritans, when she returns to Boston she is accused of witchcraft and heresy, tried, and executed
enslaved native american women in Salem who is asked by the Putnam girls (owners daughters) to read their fortune, the girls then claim that she is a witch and that they are experiencing wierd “side effects”
Rebecca Nurse (Goody)
older, deaf/hard of hearing, new to the community, accused of witchcraft and executed
spectral evidence
accusers claimed they were being tormented by and could see spirits, controversial evidence because its not physical