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How does nuclear fusion occur in stars?

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How does nuclear fusion occur in stars?

- particles collapse due to gravity
- temperature rises
- nuclear fusion occurs
- hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium nuclei

<p>- particles collapse due to gravity<br>- temperature rises <br>- nuclear fusion occurs<br>- hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium nuclei</p>
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What is red shift?

An increase in the wavelength of light from distant galaxies

<p>An increase in the wavelength of light from distant galaxies</p>
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Why is is thought that the universe was once very small?

- the furthest galaxies from us are moving the fastest
- suggesting the universe is expanding from a small region

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What is red-shift evidence for?

- that space is expanding
- the Big Bang theory

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What is a moon?

a natural satellite that orbits a planet

<p>a natural satellite that orbits a planet</p>
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What galaxy is our solar system in?

Milky Way galaxy

<p>Milky Way galaxy</p>
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How was the sun formed?

The Sun was formed from a nebula (cloud of dust and gas) pulled together by gravitational attraction

<p>The Sun was formed from a nebula (cloud of dust and gas) pulled together by gravitational attraction</p>
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What does it mean if a star is in equilibrium (stable)?

outward expansion due to nuclear fusion is in equilibrium with the inward force due to gravitational attraction

<p>outward expansion due to nuclear fusion is in equilibrium with the inward force due to gravitational attraction</p>
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Life cycle of a star (size of sun)

- nebula
- protostar
- main sequence star
- (expands) red giant
- (collapses) white dwarf
- (cools) black dwarf

<p>- nebula<br>- protostar<br>- main sequence star<br>- (expands) red giant<br>- (collapses) white dwarf<br>- (cools) black dwarf</p>
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Life cycle of a star bigger than the sun

- nebula
- protostar
- main sequence star
- red super giant
- supernova
- black hole/ neutron star

<p>- nebula<br>- protostar<br>- main sequence star<br>- red super giant<br>- supernova<br>- black hole/ neutron star</p>
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How are naturally occurring elements produced?

in fusion processes in stars

<p>in fusion processes in stars</p>
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How are elements heavier than iron produced?

in a supernova

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How are elements distributed throughout the universe?

in a supernova explosion

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What maintains circular orbits?


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In circular orbits, why can velocity change, but speed remain constant?

gravity causes the planet to change direction constantly meaning velocity is always changing (velocity = direction and speed)

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For a stable orbit, why must the radius change if speed changes?

- if a planet moves closer to the sun (orbital radius decreases)
- gravitational attraction to the sun increases
(so does acceleration due to changing velocity)
- so speed of planet increases

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What does the Big Bang theory suggest?

The universe began from a very small, hot, dense region

<p>The universe began from a very small, hot, dense region</p>
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In 1988 what did observations of supernovae suggest?

distant galaxies are receding faster than ever

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What do we call matter that isn't understood and can't be detected?

dark energy/matter

<p>dark energy/matter</p>
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