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Trust v. Mistrust
Infancy (0-1.5) a sense of trust requires a feeling of physical comfort & minimal amount of fear about the future. Infant's basic needs are met by responsive, sensitive caregivers
Autonomy v. Shame & Doubt
toddler (1.5-3) after gaining trust infants discover they have a will. They assert their sense of autonomy or independence. If restrained or punished too harshly, they are likely to develop a sense of shame & doubt
Initiative v. Guilt
3-5 Preschool learn to initiate tasks and carry out plans or they fell guilty about efforts to be independet
Industry v. Inferiority
Middle/Late Childhood (6-puberty) Children direct their energy toward mastering knowledge & intellectual skills the danger at this stage involves feeling incompetent & unproductive
Identity v. Role Confusion
Teens -20s Teenagers work at refining a sense of self by testinf roles and then intergrating them in form a single idenity or become confused about who they are
Intimacy v. Isolation
20s-40s Young adults struggle to from close relstionships and to gain the capacity for intimate love, or they feel social isolated
Generativity v. Stagnation
40s-60s The middle-ages discover a sense of contrbuting to the world usually through family and work, or they feel a lack of purpose
Ego Integrity v. Despair
Late Adulthood....Review their lives and if satisfied feel sense of accomplishment they will experience ego integrity........if not they may sink to despair.