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managers promote stability
leaders push for change
managers implement vision and strat
leaders provide it
managers appointed
leaders emerge organically
emotional intelligence
servant leadership
indigenous leadership
authentic leadership
compassionate leadership
discretionary leadership
coercive - ability to infuence
trait model
behavioural model
knowledge and expertise
self confidence
high energy
tolerance for stress
integrity and honesty
leadership depends/contingent on the situation
effective leadership is result of interaction between the managers, what they do, and the situation
Fiedler’s contingency model
Evans-House’s path goal theory’
leader sibstitues model
effective leadership depends on characteristics of the leader and situation
leader style
manager’s characteristic approach to leadership
identified two basic leader styles
relationship oriented
task oriented
important determinants of how favourable a given situation is for leading to occur
leadership member relations
extent to which followers like, trust and are loyal to their leader
task structure
extent to which work to be performed is clear cut so that workers know what needs to be accomplished and how to go about doing it
position power
amount of legitimate, reward, and coercive power leader has due to their position within an org
leaders are not only expected to perform supervisory tasks but also need to focus on vision setting activities
three visionary models of leadership
transformational leadership
charismatic leadership
turnaround leadership
transactional leadership
managers motivate their subordinates in direction of established goals
employees generally meet (not exceed) expectations
transformational leadership
makes subordinates aware of the importance of their jobs and performance to the org
provides a compelling vision and sense of mission
inspires subordinates to exceed standards
stimulates the intelligence of subordinates
shows consideration for personal growth needs of subordinates
subordinate have increased awareness of the importance of thier jobs and high performance to the org as a whole
subordinates are made aware of their own needs for growth, development, and accomplishment
subordinates work for the good of the org as a whole not just for own personal gain or benefit
enthusiastic, self confident leaders who are able to clearly communicate their vision of the org should operate
key characteristics
vision and articulation
personal risk
environmental sensitivity
sensitivity to follower needs
unconventional behaviour