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Roaring 20s
Decade of prosperity post-WWI victory.
The Jazz Age
Term coined by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
19th Amendment
Granted women the right to vote in 1920.
Young women embracing new fashion and lifestyles.
18th Amendment banning alcohol production and distribution.
Illegally distilled or smuggled alcohol during Prohibition.
Hidden clubs serving alcohol during Prohibition.
Al Capone
Notorious gangster profiting from illegal alcohol.
Mass Media
Newspapers, radio, and magazines shaping popular culture.
Babe Ruth
Famous baseball player for the New York Yankees.
Charlie Chaplin
Iconic silent film actor known for Little Tramp.
Charles Lindbergh
Aviator famous for transatlantic flight.
The Charleston
Popular dance and song of the 1920s.
Scopes Monkey Trial
Debate on evolution vs. creationism in schools.
Great Migration
Movement of African Americans to Northern cities.
Harlem Renaissance
Cultural movement celebrating Black heritage and arts.
Stock Market Crash
October 1929 event triggering the Great Depression.
Business Cycle
Natural fluctuations of economic growth and decline.
Wealth Inequality
Disparity in wealth distribution among Americans.
Excessive farming output leading to deflation.
President who implemented the New Deal.
New Deal
FDR's programs aimed at economic recovery.
Social Security
Program providing relief for the elderly.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Brought electricity and water to rural areas.
Shantytowns for the homeless during the Depression.