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which of the following term is used to describe surgical intervention that does not have to be performed immediately or withing a short period of time, for example a torn meniscus repair
which of the following historical figures is considered the father of modern anatomy and changed the traditional approach to anatomical studies
which of the following historical figures developed the first x-ray machine
how many phases of surgical case management are there
which of the following surgical team members would be primarily responsible for maintaining the patient's operative record and transporting the patient to the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU)
circulating RN
which of the following surgical team members would be responsible for separating instruments and disassembling the sterile field in the postoperative phase
which organization develops national certification exams for surgical technologists and surgical first assistants and confers the appropriate credential to eligible certificants
which of the following symbols on the association of surgical technologists (AST) logo represents the surgical technologist performing various roles in surgery
filled circle
which of the following roles is defined by the american college of surgeons (ACS) as providing aid in exposure, hemostasis, and other technical functions that help the surgeon carry out a safe operation with optimal results for the patient
surgical first assistant
a private surgical technologist is usually employed by which of the following
surgeon or physician group
the terms entry-level, proficient, and expert practitioners are applied to which of the following
AST recommended clinical ladder levels
which term best describes the relationship between the certified surgical technologist (CST) and the other members of the surgical team in the OR
which term best describes the relationship between the CST and the patient or the patient's family
in or by which of the four components of communication would "decoding" take place
which example of nonverbal body language might a patient perceive as a negative attitude from a team member
tightly folded arms
which of the following behaviors would NOT be considered an example of "workplace violence"
yielding to the other's viewpoint
according to the AST position statement on teamwork, which type of enviroment contributes most to a safe and efficient surgical experience with positive patient outcomes
which term describes the surgical technologist's foundational commitment to professional honesty, confidentiality, fair treatment, cost containment, and attention to the highest level of surgical patient care
surgical conscience
which term describes a physician-group-owned hospital
which acronym represents an organization that serves as both insurer and provider of medial services
surgical technologists and other allied health professionals in perioperative services usually work under the direction of which hospital administrative director
director of nursing
what type of professional would have DO or DPM after his or her name
through which hospital department or committee would the certified surgical first assistant (CSFA) submit a request for privileges to work in the operating room
medical staff
which department would provide services for repair of broken equipment or to do routine preventive checks
biomedical engineering
what does the acronym DRG stand for in the hospital setting
diagnostic related groups
the federal government insurance programs under the general heading of CMS include all of the following EXCEPT
which of the following is the membership organization for surgical technology with a board of directors elected by a house of delegates
when an ARC/STSA site visitor is sent to a surgical technology program to verify and clarify records and annual reporting information, to whom does he or she submit the findings
which of the following membership organizations would the circulating RN in the operating room likely join as a member
The CST and CSFA credentials are registered trademarks of which organization
the hospital's infection control nurse would report any suspicion of rare or mysterious infectious diseases to which governmental agency
which organization would employees of central sterile processing department likely join as members
which federal regulatory agency is dedicated to enforcing workplace safety and preventing worker injuries
which of the following is an independent, nonprofit national organization that develops standards for and accredits health care organizations in the United States
the Joint Commission
a medical device or surgical piece of equipment that has failed would have to be taken out of service and any patient injury reported to which of the following agencies
which of the following pioneers of medicine and surgery first developed techniques for surgical antisepsis
which specialist would likely have privileges to surgically treat diseases of the breasts, hepatobiliary, and gastrointestinal systems, and thyroid gland
general surgeon
after which of the following military conflicts did Great Britian and the United States begin to train and employ allied health professionals predominantly in the scrub role in surgery
World War II
which national membership organization's house of delegates proposed the creation of the association of operating room techniques (AORT) in 1969
hat do conscientiousness, problem solving, skills competency, teamwork, and commitment to continuing educating represent for a CST
professional traits
which of the following is an example of an intentional tort pertaining to surgical patient care
restraints are used on a patient who threatens to leave
which of the following legal doctrines would MOST likely apply in the case of a wrong site surgery or retained foreign body
res ispa loquitur
the phrase "departure from the standard of care" BEST describes which of the following legal terms
which of the following legal terms is BEST described as "professional misconduct that results in harm to another"
which is the term that describes a method of pretrial discovery in which a surgical team member might answer questions under oath
which of the following torts would be classified as unintentional
foreign bodies left in patient
which type of consent applies when emergency circumstances exist when reasonable providers believe that a patient would agree to treatment, even if no form was signed or verbal permission given
a special consent form would be required for which of the following situations during a hospital admission
surgical procedure
which member of the surgical team is ultimately responsible for obtaining written, informed surgical consent from a patient
all of the following are components of the surgical patient's medical record EXCEPT
surgeon's preference card
in 2004, which of the following agencies created the "Do Not Use" abbreviation list
the joint commission (JC)
what is the name of the type of report sent to risk management in an effort to decrease the chance of harm to patients or staff or damage to hospital property
sentinel event
which of the following surgical patients would be legally authorized to sign an informed surgical consent, based on medical practice acts and state law
an emancipated 16 year-old patient
which of the following pertains to a patient's wishes about medical treatment and self-determination in the event of incapacitation or inability to communicate
advance directive
which of the following terms best describes the process of keeping thorough, accurate, and legal records of a patient's medical care
all of the following carry the force of state and national legal enforcement EXCEPT
implementation of the neutral zone
the american hospital association replaced its "Patient's Bill of Rights" with which of the following
Patient Care Partnership
the broad objectives of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) include all of the following except
eliminate medical errors
which of the following terms describes a civil wrong that may be intentional or unintentional
the most common types of patient-care errors committed by operating room personnel, including negligence and malpractice, are categorized as
unintentional tort
in a common adage, what is the "best medicine" in health care
according to the Joint Commission's definition regarding consent to surgical intervention, which party has "autonomy"
the patient
which of the following terms describes the system of principles that become standards of conducts for professionals
which of the following terms describes the principles such as benevolence, trustworthiness, and honesty for the care and well-being of others in society
which of the following would NOT be considered an example of potential ethical dilemma
patient privacy
the legal term that identifies the knowledge and skills required for profession and describes a health care provider's core accountability, based on education, experience, and credentialing is:
scope of practice
which of the following is NOT a form of individual professional credentialing that protects the public from unqualified health care providers
verification that educational programs meet minimum accreditation standards is done by:
graduates of CAAHEP or ABHES programs are eligible to sit for the CST or CSFA examinations administered by:
the best assurance of safe and individual professional behavior by the CST or CSFA is a well-developed, unyielding:
surgical conscience
which legal doctrine would be MOST applicable in a case involving failure by the RN and CST to do proper surgical count resulting in retention of a foreign object and the surgeon being found not liable
doctrine of the borrowed servant
which legal doctrine would be MOST applicable in a case involving injury to a patient as a result of a hospital employee's lack of proper training or credentialing
doctrine of corporate negligence
which type of legal action is MOST likely in cases involving tort law and operating room personnel
if a patient suffered a burn as a result of improper application of the ESU dispersive (grounding) pad, the individual team member responsible may be found guilty in a lawsuit of which of the following
specimen loss, mislabeling, and improper preparation are examples of which of the following
which of the following terms meets the following definition: a voluntary and informed act in which one part gives permission to another party to "touch"
which of the following forms of consent is defined by the Joint Commission as "agreement or permission accompanied by full notice about what is being consented to"
surgical team members who fail to monitor and protect a medicated patient from failing could be charged with:
which part of the patient's medical record documentation would contain pre-op and post-op diagnoses, positioning, skin prep, start and stop times, counts, and dressing
intraoperative record
for which of following processes are identification and reporting of unsafe conditions and hazards MOST critical
risk management
which of the following was identified in the late 1990s as causing more deaths in the United States than car accidents, AIDS, and breast cancer combined
medical errors
what is the name of the organization whose focus is on patient and worker safety and is a unique coalition of surgeons (ACS), anesthesiologists (ASA), operating room (AORN) and perianesthesia (ASPAN), nurses, CRNA's (AANA), surgical physician assistants (AASPA), and surgical technologists (AST)
council on Surgical and Perioperative Safety (CSPS)
what is establishing a neutral zone designed to do
prevent sharps injuries during surgical precedures
which governmental agency has authority as outline in the Safe Medical Device Act
the first scrub surgical technologist performs intraoperative tasks under the broad delegatory authority of the:
which of the following diagnoses is currently used in most jurisdictions of the world to define a state of irreversible death
whole brain death
which of the following if NOT one of the "Five Stages of Grief"
what type of procedure or care providers a terminal patient with symptom relief or avoidance and improves quality of the remaining life expectancy
which of the following terms represents a positive physical and psychological state of a patient
under what circumstances would many hospitals rescind (invalidate) a "do not resuscitate/ do not intubate" order
a patient must undergo a therapeutic surgical procedure
which of the following is NOT a form of advance directive
document of self-actualization
Maslow's research produced a hierarchical structure of
human progression
for what type of research was sister callista roy best known
adaptation model
for what type of research was elizabeth kubler-ross best known
five stages of grief
which type of general category of death would most likely generate high emotional trauma for family members and a need to follow protocols for preservation of evidence in the perioperative period
which of the following terms describes a set of therapies that preserve a patient's life when body systems are not functioning sufficiently
life support
which of the following legislative rulings requires medical facilities to inform patients of their rights to choose the types and extent of medical care available and their legal right to advance directives
patient self-determination act
who would be responsible for seeking consent from family members for organ donation after a patient is determined to have suffered whole-brain death
facility's gift of life coordinator
which of the following needs identified by maslow would likely be MOST prominent in a surgical patient's mind
which of the following levels of maslow's hierarchy of needs is the pinnacle and can be accomplished only when all other needs are met