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chemical texture services
the process of chemically altering the natural wave pattern of hair is
The range of numbers used in the pH scale is:
soften and swell the shaft
Chemical hair texturizers temporarily raise the pH of the hair in order to:
highly alkaline
In the restructuring process, coarse, resistant hair with a strong compact cuticle requires a chemical solution
disulfide bonds
Chemical side bonds formed when two sulfur-type chains are joined together are:
Hydrogen bonds are easily broken by water or heat and are re-formed when the hair is:
wrapping method
In permanent waving, the shape and type of curl are determined by the shape and type of rod and the:
straight rods
Rods that are equal in diameter along their entire length or curling area are:
double flat wrap
The wrapping technique that provides the most control over hair ends is the:
All perm wraps begin by sectioning the hair into:
base sections
In permanent waving, panels of hair aré divided into smaller subsections called:
base direction
The angle at which a permanent wave rod is positioned on the head is referred to as:
ends to scalp
In the croquignole method of wrapping, the hair is wound from
Once in the cortex, the waving solution breaks the disulfide bonds through a chemical reaction called
b. normalization
In permanent waving, the reduction reaction is due to the addition of:
thioglycolic acids
The most common reducing agents used are
ammonium thigolycolate
The active ingredient or reducing agent in alkaline permanent waves is
9.0- 9.6
Most alkaline permanent waves have a pH between:
glyceryl monothioglycolate
The main active ingredient in true acid and acid-balanced waving lotions is:
All acid waves have three components consisting of the permanent waving lotion, neutralizer, and
7.8 and 8.2
Most acid waves used in salons have a pH value between:
Exothermic waves create a chemical reaction that heats the waving solution and speeds up:
Waves that are activated from an outside heat source are considered:
thio neutralization
The process that stops the action of permanent wave solution and rebuilds the hair into its new form is:
Base sections are offset from each other row by row, to prevent noticeable splits, in which wrapping pattern?
The double-rod wrap technique is also called the:
chemical hair relaxing
The process of rearranging the basic structure of curly hair into a straighter or smoother form
hydrogen ion
The active ingredient in all hydroxide relaxers is the:
lanthione bond
Hydroxide relaxers remove a sulfur atom from a disulfide bond, converting it into a(n):
metal hydroxide relaxers
Relaxers that contain only one component and are used without mixing are:
lye relaxers
Sodium hydroxide relaxers are commonly called
potassium hydroxide relaxers
Relaxers are often marketed and sold as no mix-no lye relaxers are:
guanidine hydroxide relaxers
Relaxers that contain two components and must be mixed immediately prior to use are
no base relaxers
Hydroxide relaxers that do not require the application of a protective base are
The difference in the strength of most chemical hair relaxers is determined by the concentration of |
insufficiently relaxed
During a relaxer strand test, hair that is pressed to the scalp and continues to curl is |
back of head
The application for chemical relaxers should be started in the most resistant area, usually the
normalizing lotion
Conditioner with an acidic pH that restores the hair's natural pH after a hydroxide relaxer is
soft curl permanent
A combination of a thio relaxer and a thio permanent wrapped on large rods is a
thio relaxers
Hair that is treated with hydroxide relaxers must not be treated with