Music Tech || MT CA2 - The Digital Audio Workstation
What does Nyquist’s theorem state?
The minimum sample rate that we must use when recording digitally is twice that of the range of human hearing.
This would mean a sample rate of 40kHz.
As a buffer, the minimum sample rate for digital recording is 44.1kHz.
What would happen if the sample rate was lower than 44.1kHz?
It would result in frequencies on within the range of human hearing not being captured accurately.
What is bit depth?
The resolution at which each sample is taken.
What is the minimum bit depth that a DAW project should be at?
16 bit
What does bit depth affect?
The noise level and dynamic range available in a digital recording.
What is CD quality?
16 bit 44.1kHz is known as CD quality and is widely accept as sufficient for digital recording.
However, in order to create consistency across the music and film industry, it has been suggested that 24 bit 48kHz should become the new standard.