What is the BBC ?
The British Broadcasting Corporation
Reputation of quality and independence, supposed to be the most trustworthy news in the world
Had radio, then TV channels and now a website
Center / Center-left
What are the 5 different types of newspapers ?
News magazines
Free newspapers
Daily newspapers
Sunday newspapers
Online newspapers
What is the difference between Broadsheets and Tabloids ?
Broadsheets are seen as more neutral and fact oriented, more trustworthy and news based
Tabloids are less fact oriented and can have a strong bias ( wether right or left ), the often are less trustworthy and publish stories about celebrities for example
What are some quality broadsheets ?
The Times ( center-right )
The Telegraph ( right / Conservative )
The Guardian ( center-left / left )
The Sunday Times ( right / Conservative )
The Sunday Telegraph ( right / Conservative )
The Observer ( center-left / left )
What are some popular tabloids ?
Daily Mail ( right-wing )
Daily Express ( right-wing )
The Sun ( right-wing / Conservative )
The Daily Mirror ( left-wing )
Who is Rupert Murdoch ?
The owner of several news outlets like :
The Sun
The Times
The Sunday Times
Sky TV
Fox News
New York Times
Wall Street journal
What are “spin doctors” ?
political press agent, publicist or a Public Relations officer employed to promote certain interpretations of events
Pejorative term ( spin = change the angle to fit one’s ideology + doctor = to falsify )
They promote one’s agenda by using calculated sentences and events and spinning them however they want
What is a “sound bite”?
short sentence or phrase that is easy to remember, included in a speech by a politician and repeated by newspapers, TV and Radio
Ex : Theresa May’s : “Brexit means Brexit” in 2016
What are “fake news” ? And their use ?
Hoaxes and lies
Sensationalism to attract readers
Deliberate misinformation