This is unit 3 fellas
Photsystem II
Where the H20 comes in and then is split into ½ O2 and 1 H+. Do it twice, and you get a byproduct of O2 gas. When the H20 comes in, it is the same time as sunlight. The sun excites the e-’s and they go into PS2. They travel until they get to the ETC
Come from a high energy level PSII, to the ETC, low energy level. Since the e- come from high energy, they generate ATP that drives the active transport of H+ into the thylakoid from the Stroma. Then, while this is happening, the e- travel to PS1
Where the e- come from the ETC, and then at PS1 they get scooped up by NADP+ and since they are e- getting scooped up, NADP+ gets reduced to NADPH. 2 NADPH is usually produced in a cycle
ATP Synthase
Remember those H+ that came in actively. They said “na, i actually dont like it here, get me out” and so ATP synthase is like why not, and they FACILIATE DIFFUSION down the newly established CONCENTRATION GRADIENT (Thats why they dont like it here anymore), and this process produces 3ATP from 3ADP and 3 Pi
Well, remember those e- that went into PS2?
Well, those e- are replenished by splitting up 2H20, which gives 1) O2 gas, and H+, in whcih e- are extracted from.
How many protein complexes make up the ETC?
I, II, III, & IV (4 )
NADH in ETC Cell Resp
Drops off the electrons at the I complex
This is the mom that wants her kid to be closer to the school. So she does not drop her electrons at I complex, but closer to II complex. This is due to having electrons that are lower energy level than NADH (higher energy level electrons)
FADH contributes less to the pumping of protons using energy, because it produces less ATP to pump