partly a transport system that takes necessary substances to specific places and removes waste materials
diffusion is slow
responsible for movement of O2 and CO2, nutrients and hormones
tightly linked to other systems such as urinary and respiratory system
two circulatory divisions
cardiac muscle must contract in highly synchronized manner, first both atria then both ventricles
heart controls its own contraction, doesn’t rely on nervous system but can be altered by it
myogenic vs neurogenic
two types of specialized muscle cells, pacemaker cells and conduction fibers
unlike typical nerve cells, these continuously depolarize to generate regular action potentials
these stimulate muscle to contract rhythmically, determining the pace at which the heart beats
found mainly in two regions
located in superior vena cava
rate of about 75 beats per minute
impulses are generated here, they are the fastest and drive the beating of the heart
interatrial septa superior to ventricles
50 beats/min
specialized to conduct quickly the action potentials generated by the pacemaker cells
innervate cardiac muscle cells of myocardium, purkinje fibers help conduct electrical stimulus in the ventricular walls
larger in diameter and can conduct impulses faster
the generated impulse triggers the atrioventricular node
there is a brief delay between contraction of atria and ventricles
implanted to regulate irregular heart contractions
most frequently used to increase heart rates
are also used to slow heart rate in some cases
electrical activity is carried to the skin and can be recorded by surface electrodes
6 electrodes are attached to arms and legs and 6 are attached to the chest
has 3 parts
depolarization of ventricles
repolarization of atria (hidden)
caused by defects during the electrical heart process
is an irregular beating of the heart
very rapid, out-of-phase contractions
defibrillation is shocking the heart
first part of the cardiac cycle
ventricular contraction
second part of the cardiac cycle
ventricular relaxation
closing of the mitral valve
ventricles contract at the start of systole
closing of the semilunar valve
ventricles relax at the beginning of diastole
detects and records heart sounds, four sounds are usually produced by the heart
only two are ordinarily audible, can hear four with a stethoscope lub dub
Ventricles fill up
Mitral valve closes, ventricles contract
Ventricle eject blood
Aortic valve closes, ventricles relax
Blood returns to heart
Ventricles fill up
flow of blood through vascular system
F= flow rate (volume of blood passing through/unit of time)
P= pressure
R= resistance
difference in pressure between the beginning and end of a blood vessel
the contraction of the heart provides pressure which decreases as blood flows vessels due to resistance
measure of hindrance to blood flow caused by friction between the moving fluid and the stationary walls
depending on viscosity and vessel length/radius
resistance is 16x greater in a tube that’s twice the diameter
friction between molecules
tends to be relatively constant in blood
volume of blood pumped out of each ventricle/minute, average is 5.5L/min
measured in ml/min
calculated by cardiac rate (average resting is 70 beats/min) x stroke volume (average is 78-80 ml/beat)
also equivalent to total blood volume of the body
heart rate is influenced by nerves and hormones
stroke volume is affected by blood volume and vascular resistance
in the absence of neural stimulation, the heart will beat according to the SA node
if the SA node was in complete control, the heart would always beat the same rate
heart rate is modified by the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system
sympathetic system excretes norepinephrine
adrenal glands excrete epinephrine
Contractility- the strength of ventricular contraction
End Diastolic Volume- amount of blood in the ventricles just before they begin to contract
Afterload/ Total Peripheral Resistance- the pressure ventricles have to work against
ANS control of stroke volume is regulated almost entirely by the sympathetic nervous system
epinephrine increases contraction strength
force of ventricular contraction varies in response to stretching of ventricular wall
sterlings law (simply increased blood volume leads to increased stretch of the myocardium which increases the force of blood pumping out)
if the amount of blood that returns increases, cardiac muscle will contract more to compensate
stroke volume also depends on the amount of force opposing contraction
increased arterial pressure causes stroke volume to decrease
afterload is determined in the aorta after contraction starts
increased resistance=increased pressure=increased afterload=decreased stroke volume
regulated by blood volume (regulated by kidneys), peripheral resistance and cardiac rate
any increase in one will increase bp
in the sympathetic system, vasoconstriction increases TPR and promote cardiac output with both increase bp
detect changes in blood pressure and counteract pressure changes
stretch receptors located in the aortic arch and the carotid sinuses, increase in pressure causes wall to stretch
signals travels through two cranial nerves to medulla oblongata
play a vital role in regulating blood volume
decrease in bp going into the kidney, the cells of the kidney release renin which increases angiotensin II
increased resistance of blood vessels by acting directly on small arteries and arterioles (vasocontriction)
also known as the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
Increased blood volume
thirst centers in the hypothalamus are stimulated along with the adrenal glands which secrete aldosterone
causes more salt and water to be retained by the kidneys
inadequate blood flow and/ or oxygen uptake by tissues
can result from low blood volume or vasoconstriction in various organs such as skin
results in low blood pressure, rapid pulse and clammy skin
blood is diverted to the heart and brain
dangerously low blood pressure that results from sepsis (infection)
high mortality rate (50-70%)
bacterial action activates immune system which promotes vasodilation, leaks from blood vessels and blood pressure drops