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What is the Spanish word for seafood?
Los mariscos
What is the Spanish word for crab?
El cangrejo
What is the Spanish term for shrimp?
Los camarones/las gambas
What is the Spanish word for lobster?
La langosta
What is the Spanish word for mussels?
Los mejillones
What is the Spanish term for fish?
El pescado
What is the Spanish word for meat?
La carne
What is the Spanish word for steak?
El bistec
What is the Spanish term for beef?
La carne de res
What is the Spanish word for chops (lamb, pork)?
La chuleta
What is the Spanish word for ham?
El jamón
What is the Spanish term for sirloin?
El lomo/el solomillo
What is the Spanish word for duck?
El pato
What is the Spanish word for turkey?
El pavo
What is the Spanish word for chicken?
El pollo
What is the Spanish word for pork?
El puerco
What is the Spanish word for bacon?
El tocino
What is the Spanish word for sausage?
La salchicha
What is the Spanish word for water?
El agua
What is the Spanish word for coffee?
El café
What is the Spanish word for juice?
El jugo
What is the Spanish word for milk?
La leche
What is the Spanish word for soft drink?
El refresco
What is the Spanish word for tea?
El té
What is the Spanish word for chocolate?
What is the Spanish term for cookies?
Las galletas
What is the Spanish word for ice cream?
El helado
What is the Spanish word for cake/pie/tart?
El pastel/la tarta/la torta
What is the Spanish word for vanilla?
La vainilla
What is the Spanish word for meals?
Las comidas
What is the Spanish word for salad?
La ensalada
What is the Spanish term for appetizer?
El entremés/aperitivo
What is the Spanish term for house specialty?
La especialidad de la casa
What is the Spanish word for main dish?
El plato principal
What is the Spanish word for dessert?
El postre
What is the Spanish term for first/second course?
El primer/segundo plato
What is the Spanish word for soup/broth?
La sopa/el caldo
What is the Spanish word for oil?
El aceite
What is the Spanish word for almonds?
Las almendras
What is the Spanish term for rice?
El arroz
What is the Spanish word for peanuts?
Los cacahuates
What is the Spanish word for noodles?
Los fideos
What is the Spanish word for hamburger?
La hamburguesa
What is the Spanish word for eggs?
Los huevos
What is the Spanish word for bread?
El pan
What is the Spanish word for butter?
La mantequilla
What is the Spanish word for dough?
La masa
What is the Spanish word for nuts?
Las nueces
What is the Spanish word for french fries?
Las papas fritas
What is the Spanish term for pasta?
La pasta
What is the Spanish word for cheese?
El queso
What is the Spanish word for sauce?
La salsa
What is the Spanish word for avocado?
El aguacate
What is the Spanish word for peach?
What is the Spanish word for raspberry?
La frambuesa
What is the Spanish word for strawberry?
La fresa
What is the Spanish word for lime?
La lima
What is the Spanish word for lemon?
El limon
What is the Spanish word for apple?
La manzana
What is the Spanish word for orange?
La naranja
What is the Spanish word for plantain?
El plátano
What is the Spanish word for tomato?
El tomate
What is the Spanish word for grapes?
Las uvas
What is the Spanish word for olives?
La aceituna
What is the Spanish word for garlic?
El ajo
What is the Spanish word for zucchini?
El calabacín
What is the Spanish word for onion?
La cebolla
What is the Spanish word for mushroom?
El champiñón
What is the Spanish word for spinach?
Las espinacas
What is the Spanish word for beans?
Los frijoles
What is the Spanish word for lettuce?
La lechuga
What is the Spanish word for corn?
El maíz
What is the Spanish word for potato?
La papa/la patata
What is the Spanish word for cucumber?
El pepino
What is the Spanish word for pepper?
El pimiento