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Heating energy
Energy derived from solar capital, drives other sources.
Commercial energy
Energy sold in the marketplace from nonrenewable resources.
Fossil fuels
Natural resources like oil, gas, and coal.
Energy crisis
Issues from pollution, greenhouse gases, and waste.
Net energy
Usable energy available from a given energy quantity.
Cheap, accessible energy source; price rises when depleted.
Nuclear energy
Energy produced in nuclear reactions, requires more input.
Thick liquid of hydrocarbons with impurities.
Crude oil
Unrefined oil extracted directly from the ground.
Products derived from the distillation of crude oil.
Oil reserves
Identified deposits of oil extractable profitably.
Organization of countries controlling oil prices and supply.
Oil sands
Mixture of clay, sand, water, and bitumen.
Oil shales
Rocks containing solid hydrocarbons, require high energy to extract.
Natural gas
Gas mixture primarily composed of methane.
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
Liquefied propane and butane from natural gas fields.
Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
Natural gas cooled to liquid for transport.
Coal bed methane
Methane found in coal beds, has environmental impacts.
Methane hydrate
Methane trapped in ice, costly to extract.
Solid fossil fuel used for energy generation.
Environmental costs
Negative impacts not included in energy prices.
Energy waste
Inefficient use of energy leading to loss.
Greenhouse gases
Gases contributing to global warming, emitted from fossil fuels.
Seismic imaging
Technique used to locate oil deposits underground.
Genetically engineered bacteria
Organisms modified to enhance oil extraction efficiency.
Partially decayed plant matter, low heat content.
Brown coal, low heat and sulfur content.
Soft coal, high heat, large supply, high sulfur.
Hard coal, high heat, low sulfur, limited supply.
Coal combustion
Burning coal releases CO2, SO2, and particulates.
Synthetic natural gas
Gas produced from solid coal via gasification.
Coal liquefaction
Conversion of coal to liquid fuels like methanol.
Nuclear power plants
Boil water using heat from controlled fission.
Light-water reactors
Most common reactor type, highly inefficient.
Control rods
Absorb neutrons to regulate fission rate.
Spent fuel rods
Used nuclear fuel requiring long-term storage.
Nuclear fuel cycle
Process from uranium mining to waste storage.
Three Mile Island
Nuclear accident caused partial meltdown in PA.
Nuclear disaster led to widespread radiation release.
High-level radioactive waste
Spent fuel requiring storage for thousands of years.
Yucca Mountain
Proposed site for long-term nuclear waste storage.
Nuclear fusion
Combining light isotopes to release energy.
Advanced light-water reactors
Second generation reactors with built-in safety features.
Pebble bed modular reactor
Uses helium to cool fuel pebbles, generating electricity.
Breeder reactors
Generate more nuclear fuel than they consume.
Government subsidies
Financial support for coal and nuclear energy sectors.
Air pollution
Severe emissions from burning coal impact health.
Acid precipitation
Rainfall with high acidity from coal emissions.
Radioactive materials
Hazardous substances released during nuclear processes.
Emergency cooling system
Prevents nuclear reactor meltdowns by removing heat.