Chem Ch.4 scientists

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performed reactions without careful measurements or recording information

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Robert Boyle

the first to perform accurate measurements and recordings of chemical reactions, wrote "The Skeptic Chemists"

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George Stahl

suggested that fire produced a substance called phlogiston

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Joseph Priestly

disproved the phlogiston theory and is given credit for discovering oxygen, but not naming it

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Antoine Lavoisier

explained the true nature of combustion and gave oxygen it's name

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Joseph Proust

Law of Definite Proportion

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John Dalton

Wrote "New Systems of Chemical Philosophy", Law of Multiple Proportions, Dalton's Law of partial pressures

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Humphry Davy

discovered several alkali and alkaline earth metals and the elemental nature of chlorine and iodine

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Jons Jakob Berzelius

discovered cerium, selenium, silicon, and thorium, made modern system of using symbols for elements

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Dmitri Mendeleev

gave us modern day sequence of the periodic table

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Eugen Goldstein

discovered protons, he called them canal rays

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J.J. Thomson

used the cathode ray tube to discover the electron and calculate the charge to mass ratio equation for the electron

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Robert Millikan

oil droplet experiment; was able to determine the magnitude of the electron charge, using Thomson's equation was able to determine the mass of an electron

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Ernest Rutherford

gold foil experiment; atoms consisted of a sparsely occupied electron field and a dense positively charged center (nucleus)

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Francis Aston

invented mass spectrometer, proved existence of isotopes

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