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Hindsight Bias
A bias in which individuals think that one could have anticipated the outcome of an event or study after it has already occurred is called “I knew it all along bias.”
Confirmation Bias
A bias in which individuals selectively attend to information that is aligned with one’s point of view and dismiss or minimize information that challenges one’s beliefs.
A bias in which researchers unknowingly influence the outcome of the research
Experimenter Bias
Self Reporting Bias
A bias in which participants inaccurately report behaviors feelings, or attitudes is often due to memory errors or, in some cases, social desirability bias
Social Desirability
A bias in which participants inaccurately report behaviors, feelings, or attitudes is often due to memory errors or, in some cases, social desirability
Sampling Bias
A bias that occurs when the sample is not representative of the population from which it is drawn, leading to an inability to generalize the results.
False-Consensus Effect
A bias in which individuals overestimate how many others agree with their beliefs, behaviors, or attitudes