Health Assessment Exam 2

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Health insurance portability and accountability act

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Interviewing a patient requires ________

Therapeutic communication skills

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Therapeutic communication encompasses, the five dimensions of a client centered assessment…

Empathy and compassion, unconditional regard, genuineness, respect, and caring

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what is deep awareness and insight into feelings, emotions, and behavior of another person.

empathy and compassion

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What is respecting and accepting a client as a unique individual?

Unconditional regard

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What is being honest with a patient and listening to the patient with an open heart and compassion?


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What is a moral value and demonstrates that a nurse accepts each patient for their unique qualities and believes their values are important?


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What is the essential of nursing and connotes responsiveness between the nurse and the patient?


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holistic communication

Center yourself, listen wholeheartedly, empathize, attention: be fully present and respect

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Reading the patient’s record, introducing herself to the patient, telling the patient to stay dressed until you are ready to perform a physical assessment, have the interview in a private environment, allow significant time to complete the interview and health history, never rush, an interview, Sit or stand at the same level as the patient, reassure the patient that the health history is confidential and encourage the patient to ask questions is what part of the interviewing the client for a Health history?


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The purpose of verbal communication is to:

Share information and get a response

share and exchange, thoughts, perceptions and feelings

send receive and gather data

share client concerns

exchange knowledge

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What type of communication includes gestures, facial expressions, and body positions as well as distancing in between two individuals. Examples could be physical appearance, eye Contact, arm movements, grimacing, tone of voice, and crying/moaning.

Nonverbal communication

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Pay close attention to the patient’s report and nonverbal cues; maintain good eye contact, and expressed a willingness to listen

Active listening

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Concentrate on what you hear and see during the interview

Active observing

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You simple verbal statements for words to encourage the patient to continue to tell the story


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Clients who have difficulty understanding, and cannot read have…

Low health literacy

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What are the two types of questions? You can ask a patient during interviews?

Open any questions or closed ended questions

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How do you remember to take all of your medication? Is what type of question

Open ended question

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What type of question clarify that focuses on a specific problem, limits responses, and usually answers with one word, responses such as yes or no?

Close ended questions

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What are the three phases of the interview?

Introductory phase, working phase and summarization phase

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True or false the patient is free to choose what to tell you and what to withhold from you.


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What within the health history is a subjective report of all body systems by the patient; the patient will deny or report symptoms

Review of systems (ROS)

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What are the three types of health history sources

Comprehensive, focus or problem based and follow up history

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This health history looks at the whole patient and reviews all body systems; review any patient system from head to toe is a routinely done during an annual exam

Comprehensive health history

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This health history focuses on an acute problem or symptom that the patient is experiencing; like having difficulty breathing, the health history, would focus on the respiratory in cardiac system

Focused or problem based health history

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This history occurs after a patient has been seen; a patient was seen and treated for heart palpations and is now ordered to come back two weeks later for an exam

Follow up history

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What is a primary source?

The client

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What is a secondary source?

Family members, spouse, and previous medical records

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This means that the source the client is communicating clear and accurate information about past medical information. A question you could ask a client to see if they are right is what’s your date of birth if they can answer these questions right then the patient is…


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Onset, location, duration, characteristic, aggravating factors, related symptoms, treatment, severity

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When you were asking a patient about medication’s over the counter what should I include?

Name, dose, route, and how often it is taken

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What immunizations should a child have in school, daycare, college, and healthcare workers

COVID-19, hepatitis, a or B, herpes, zoster, influenza, human papillomavirus, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, tdap, pneumococcal, and meningococcal.

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Family history is helpful to determine whether there are any genetic for familial tendencies for a

Specific disease

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A genogram, also known as a pedigree is a pectoral diagram of a

Family tree

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What are the four pieces of a psychosocial assessment?

Behavioral, environmental, social, financial and economic

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In psychosocial assessment, daily habits, healthcare practices, and daily activities are


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In psychosocial assessment, physical and social environment are


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In psychosocial assessment, human to human interaction relationship to individuals groups, institutions, organizational systems, culture in spirituality are


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In psychosocial assessment, household management is

Financial and economic

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Background, affect, trouble, handling, empathy

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What technique has an assessment that serves as a rough screening tool for anxiety, depression, and situational stress disorder’s?


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What is the name of the 2 questionnaire that is for substance abuse screening to for alcohol and drug abuse and independence in adults

CAGE-AID and two item conjoint screen(TICS)

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What type of assessment assesses a patient ability to perform his or hers activity of daily living? Examples would be bathing dressing, eating, walking housekeeping, meal preparation, shopping and driving.

Functional assessment

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What type of assessment assesses and identifies specific cultural factors that affects a patient’s health.?

Cultural assessment

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What type of assessment assesses the belief system of an individual, which is one of the most important factors that determines perceptions of their health? This can also play a vital role in illness and recovery.

Spiritual assessment

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Faith, belief meaning

Importance and influence


Address/action in care

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And what health history contains a subjective report of all body systems by the patient. This is a head to toe assessment to uncover symptoms, not elicted during the history of present illness. The patient reports his or her health status as it relates to each body system.

Review of systems (ROS)

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What are the two types of emotional reaction or affect?

Blunt affect and flat affect

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This affect is greatly diminished emotional response to a situation or condition

Blunted affect

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This effect is virtual absence of emotional response to a situation or condition

Flat affect

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What are the five categories that the mini mental state examination and cognitive assessment assess for a patient



attention and calculation



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