PHY101 - Definitions and Concepts

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Statistics - Basic definitions and concepts

26 Terms


Use of statistics

  • Design of experiment / sampling methods

  • Data collection

  • Organization of data (and graphing)

  • Analysis

  • Estimation of uncertainties

  • Interpretation

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Incorrect data causes

  • Sampling bias

  • Sample too small

  • Sample not representative

  • Leading question (also, people lie)

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Data is correct, but presentation is misleading

  • Cherry picking data

  • Misleading graphs

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Presentation of data

  • Percentages can be misleading with small numbers

  • Changes in absolute numbers can be misleading with large numbers

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Leading question affects the data

Asking what makes a situation worse first is more likely to be voted first

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Collection of the entire set of all measurements of interest in a study

Ex. StatsCanada census where all Canadian households must respond to a survey

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Parameter (relating to a population)

A numerical measurement that describes a population

Ex. Class average if you consider a class as an entire population

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A smaller set of measurements taken from a population

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Statistic (hint: relation to sample)

A numerical measurement describing a sample

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Two types of stats

Descriptive statistics:

  • A description of the data (sample or population)

  • Find averages and dispersion

  • Graph the data

Inferential statistics:

  • An interpretation of sample data

  • Given a sample, what are the properties of a population?

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Inferring data when a population is inaccessible and the parameters are unknown. (guessing/determining results)

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Types of Data

  • Defined when experiment is designed

  • Qualitative and Quantitative data

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Qualitative Data

not numerical, also called categorical data

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Quantitative Data

  • numerical

  • can be discrete: counting, gaps b/w values

  • or continuous: measured, no gaps (size of gaps depends on precision of instruments)

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Level of measurement

  • Nominal: categorical data that cannot be ordered

    • Ex. colours (red, blue, purple)

    • brands (Ford, GM, Toyota)

  • Ordinal: categorical data that has a natural order

    • Ex. high, low

    • large, medium, small

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Level of measurements

  • Interval: numerical data for which differences are significant but not ratios

    • Zero is arbitrary, it has no special meaning

    • Ex. temperature: 20C is not twice as hot as 10C

  • Ratio: numerical data, differences and ratios are significant

    • Zero really means that nothing is measured

    • Ex. weight: 20 kg is twice as heavy as 10 kg

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Level of measurement (Image order)

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Identifying types of data (Image order)

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Identifying types of data (examples)

If we record the colour of the cars passing on a bridge in a day, the variable is qualitative nominal

If we record the age of the cars in categories such as ‘new’, ‘fairly new’, ‘used’, ‘old’, and ‘antique’, the variable is qualitative ordinal

The time between each car measured by a chronometer is quantitative continuous ratio

The year of construction of the cars is quantitative discrete interval

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Designing (a good) experiment

  • Random sampling

    • All subgroups represented

    • No arbitrary selection

  • Controlling effects

    • Placebo effect

    • Double blind experiment

  • Repeatable

    • Any sample can be unrepresentative of the population by fluke

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Simple sampling schemes

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Complex sampling schemes

  • Stratified sampling

    • Break the population in subgroups, f.ex. gender, country, age

    • Random selection in each subgroup

  • Cluster sampling

    • Divide population in many subgroups

    • Randomly select clusters

    • Study all members of selected clusters

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Sampling methods (image)

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Designing an experiment

  • It should be possible to pick any member of a population

  • Every member should be equally likely to be picked (as much as possible)

  • In many modern surveys of people (for politics for example) random sampling has been partially abandoned because it is too hard to achieve.

  • Experiments that have known biases can still be valid if the biases are taken into account in the analysis.

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Probabilistic Survey (Gallup)

  • eg. random telephone #'s sample

    • landlines

    • cellphones


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Non-probabilistic survey

  • eg. pool of 400 000 people

    • choose within those

==> NO UNCERTANTIES (but is not [completely] random)

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