List 2 ways on how to grade papers
Different color Ink
T/F - You should not tell students what they missed on tests because they will cheat.
F, learning process
After grading a test, how should you write their score?
top and show how many they got wrong
When students leave a answer blank, you should…
a) add ???
b) ask them why
c) mark with your special symbol
d) circle with big red dot
What tier are these words?
clock, walk, baby, mad, happy, excited
Tier 1
What tier are these words?
ecstatic, infamous, blush, evalaute
Tier 2
Tier 3 words always require ______.
If a word is “very ____” that is an indication you could use a
a) Tier 1 word
b) Tier 2 word
c) Tier 3 word
A ant has 6 legs all connected to the
Label the 3 parts of an ant starting at the top
head, thorax, abdomen
Label the 3 parts of a spider starting at the top
cephalothorax, abdomen