Unit 11 US History

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List the reasons for the growth of the conservative movement since the 1960s:

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List the reasons for the growth of the conservative movement since the 1960s:

Backlash against liberal programs and perceived increasing immorality and changing roles. Less public trust in government, a bad economy with huge inflation, failure of foreign policy in Vietnam.

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List the goals of the conservative movement:

Help businesses by reducing government regulations and lowering taxes. Goals- strengthen national defense, less federal gov spending, smaller federal gov, and promoting family values.

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List what the Republican Party focused on in the 1980s:

Re-energized Cold War foreign policy, small federal government, less social welfare. Deregulation, free markets, low taxes, christian mortality.

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Explain why Ronald Reagan won the Presidential Election of 1980:

Reagan had a charming personality. Reagan beat Carter because was seen as a failure with the Iranian hostage crisis since he hadn't brought the hostages home yet, Carter hadn't fixed the poor economy.

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Define "supply side economics" (also known as trickle-down economics or Reaganomics):

Idea that lower taxes will lead to increases in jobs, savings, and investments.

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Explain how you achieve supply side economics:

Achieve it by cutting taxes which encourage investment and production (supply).

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List what the federal government spent the most money on:

Military spending.

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Explain Reagan's position on the Cold War and Communism:

Reagons position was to destroy communism, not coexist. Wanted to defeat the soviets.

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List Reagan's 2 part strategy for the Cold War:

Increase weapons and military action with the soviet union. Reagan Doctrine- reduce soviet influence in the developing world.

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Explain who the Sandinistas and Contras were:

Sandinista- communist group in Nicaragua who overthrew the pro U.S. guy. Contras- armed opposition group, anti-communist whom the U.S. supported.

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Explain why Reagan wanted to support the Contras:

because they were anti-communist.

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Define the Boland Amendment:

1984 congress banned the CIA and Reagan administration from giving any military help to the Contras.

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Explain the Iran-Contra Affair:

Oliver North ignored congress's Boland amendment and ordered the CIA to use money from the Iran weapons deal to help fund the contras.

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List what event(s) marked the end of the Cold War:

15 republics of USSR declared their independence. 1991 Soviet Union dissolved. New political order throughout Eastern and central Europe.

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List what GHW Bush's main focus was during his presidency:

Main focus- foreign relations with the soviet Union and middle East.

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Explain what caused the Persian Gulf War:

Iraq invaded Kuwait.

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List the result of the Persian Gulf War:

Kuwait was liberated and freed. Iraq suffered 100,000 deaths.

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Explain the significance of Rodney King:

White police officers beat a black motorist , Rodney King, which started rioting in LA.

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Explain the result of U.S. intervention in the Balkans:

Positive for U.S., forced aggressive groups to back down and ethnic cleansing ended.

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Explain the result of U.S. intervention in Somalia:

Negative for U.S., several servicemen were killed, the american public was angry.

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Explain the result of U.S. intervention in Rwanda:

Negative for U.S., did little until the end, Clinton called this his worst foreign policy failure.

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Explain what al-Qaeda is and who their leader was:

Network of radical islamic terrorists. Osama Bin Laden.

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Define "globalization.":

Connecting countries, businesses, and people around the world which results in a spread of politcal, cultural, and economic influences.

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Define the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), including who it was between:

Got rid of all tariffs and trade barriers between U.S, canada, and mexico.

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List the goal of NAFTA:

Strengthen the U.S. economy by lowering prices on items and making a "free trade zone".

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List accomplishments Clinton had with the federal budget:

he balanced the budget.

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Define the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act:

Welfare reform which placed limits on how long people could receive benefits.

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Explain the result of Clinton's healthcare reform bill:

He could NOT get a universal health care bill passed.

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Explain why Clinton was impeached:

Clinton lied under oath.

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Explain the results of the Presidential Election of 2000 (beyond who won).

The Supreme Court intervened in the election and declared G.W Bush the winner, one of the closest and most debated elections in history

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Explain what happened on Sept. 11th, 2001:

19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked 4 planes

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Describe GW Bush's response to the 9/11 attacks:

Declared a "war on terror"🡪 goal to get rid of al-Qaeda. U.S. invaded Afghanistan.

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Explain why the U.S. invaded Afghanistan:

To go after al-Qaeda (the group responsible for the September 11 attacks).

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Define the U.S. Patriot Act AND its goal:

2001, could monitor citizens and arrest suspected terrorists. Goal= increase intelligence gathering to fight terrorism.

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Define the Bush Doctrine:

foreign policy based on the idea that the United States should take preemptive action against threats to its national security.

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Explain why the U.S invaded Iraq:

Because we believed Saddam Hussein had "Weapons of Mass Destruction" (WMD).

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List the purpose of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, Obamacare):

Reduce the number of uninsured citizens.

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List the outcome of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, Obamacare):

The number of uninsured citizens dropped significantly.

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Explain Obama's role in Iraq in 1 sentence:

Removed groups from Iraq.

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  • Last troops left in 2011

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  • Iraq war= 9 years.

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Osama was killed.

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Explain Obama's role in Afghanistan in 1 sentence:

Sent additional troops

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List what U.S. Special Forces did in 2011:

Special Forces found and killed Osama Bin Laden (leader of Al Qaeda).

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