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Possible response to an argument - to accept it as presented (find it persuasive, or at least lacking in any major flaw)
Test of evidence - is it sufficient to support the claim?
Test of evidence - availability
Ad hominem fallacy
An intentional effort to attack a person rather than an argument, by damaging an opponent's character or reputation or by engaging in name-calling and labeling
Ad populum fallacy
A fallacy - appealing to the audience and its interests rather than to the merits of the argument
Promoting or opposing an idea in public settings
Affirmative case
In policy debate, a series of arguments challenging the status quo
A fortiori argument
Type of literal analogy that asserts that what is true of its evidence case is even more likely or even less likely to be true of its conclusion case.
Example: We thought fat was bad, turns out sugar is even worse, so we have to treat it as such
More than one meaning of a word or phrase in a single context
For the sake of supporting a claim, a comparison of something with which we are familiar to something with which we are less familiar, or about which we have some question
"If" clause in a conditional statement; "that which comes before"
A persuasive strategy directed to the audience's emotions, sense of humor, or deeply held loyalties and commitments
Appeal to authority
An appeal that urges compliance with the directive of a person, group, or document possessing power
Arguing comparative advantage
A response to a pragmatic argument or policy proposal; Arguing that an alternative course of action carries greater practical advantages than the proposed plan does
Arguing from correlation alone
A fallacy - assuming causation when there is only correlation
Arguing from ignorance
A fallacy - Falsely assuming that a conclusion can be reached on the basis of the absence of evidence. One form of this argument assumed that because something has not been disproved, it has therefore been proved.
Arguing from succession alone
A fallacy - attributing cause simply on the basis of one event preceding another. Also called "arguing post hoc," --> "after this, therefore because of this"
A claim advanced with a reason or reasons in its support
The cooperative activity of developing and advancing arguments and of responding to the arguments of others
Argumentative contexts
The spaces, venues, and relationships in which arguments are made and heard
Argumentative definition
A definition employed strategically to categorize an object or event so as to support a particular conclusion to an argument
Argument from direction
Argument that strings together two or more conditional statements to predict a remote result from a first step.
Example: If guns are registered --> no gun owner will be safe from the threat of confiscation
When guns are taken from private citizens --> they will have no defense against a gov't intent on denying other freedoms
Thus, laws that require registration of guns are the first step toward dictatorship
Argument from example
Argument that draws a conclusion about an entire class of objects or events based on a particular instance or a limited number of cases, rather than about a single member of a group.
AKA generalization
Argument from function
Argument that locates the essential nature of an object, event, or institution in its social or natural function
(contrast with an argument from intent)
Argument from intent
Argument that affirms that the meaning or essential nature of an object or document is revealed in the intended meaning of its authors or designers
(contrast with an argument from function)
Argument from principle
Argument that affirms that we should abide by values, principles, and duties, and avoid actions that violate the same
Argument from quality
Argument that affirms the inherent value in the unique, the beautiful, the rare, or the unusual
Argument from quantity
Argument that affirms numerical considerations as an index of significane
Argument from sign
Argument that reasons from an effect back to a cause
(not necessarily backwards reasoning)
Argument virtues
Moral qualities and skills that help people think and act morally in an argumentative situation, and thus pursue argumentation in a manner that promotes and improves its practices
Arrangement fallacy
A fallacy - creates a false impression by ordering, associating, or grouping items of evidence in a misleading way
Attitudinal inherency
In policy debate, the inherency that shows that current attitudes or beliefs contribute to the harms caused by the status quo
Attitudes as a reason for why something hasn't changed yet. Attitude as a barrier
The people for whom we develop our arguments
Audience analysis
Seeking an accurate sense of the nature of the audience so you can adapt your arguments to that audience
Biased testimony
Testimony from individuals who stand to gain if what they say is accepted
Burden of proof
In policy debate, the obligation to provide sufficient evidence in support of an assertion
A series of arguments, all advanced to support the same general conclusion or set of conclusions
Categorical argument
Argument composed of three categorical statements - two statements that are reasons/premises, and one that is the conclusion.
AKA a categorical syllogism
Categorical statement
A statement that establishes a relationship between two categories, or classes, of objects
Causal agent
In a hypothesis, a testable element in the alleged cause that is capable of producing an observed effect
Causal generalization
An argument that affirms a causal relationship between two categories, or classes, of events
Circular definition
Definition of a term by reference only to factors inherent in or strongly implied by the definition itself
Civil disobedience
The intentional decision to disobey a law or directive of a government authority for moral reasons
A statement the advocate believes or is in the process of evaulating
A test of narrative arguments that asks whether the components in a story create a meaningful and consistent whole
Common usage
As a source of definition, the meaning of a term in everyday language
Complementary reasons
A pair of reasons that must work together to lend support to their conclusion
Conclusion case
In an analogy, an instance in the argument about which a claim is being advanced
Conclusion relationship
In a figurative analogy - the relationship being urged in connection with the conclusion
Concurrent testimony
Testimony that is consistent with other available sources of testimony on that topic
Conditional argument
An argument built around an "if-then" statement or an equivalent.
AKA a hypothetical syllogism
Conditional statement
In a condition argument - the "if-then" statement
Reasons that consist of beliefs, values, assumptions, or generalizations that link evidence to a conclusion
The "then" clause in a conditional or "if-then" statement; an event that follows form or is a result of another event
A possible response to an argument - an agreement to think about the argument further, to withhold any final judgment about its quality for the time being
Continuum Fallacy
A fallacy - a false assumption that qualitative changes along a line of progression do not occur if we cannot agree about exactly where such changes occur
In a universal negative or particular affirmative statement, the process of switching the statement's subject and predicate terms in order to create an equivalent statement
Convertible statement
A statement in which the subject and predicate terms are distributed similarly. Universal negative and particular affirmative statements are convertible
As a virtue of ethical advocacy, a willingness to engage the argumentative process so that a rational resolution of the issues can be acheived
Occurring together with regularity
Courage in argument
As a virtue of ethical advocacy, a willingness to accept the risks associated with open advocacy of one's position, even when that position is unpopular or dangerous
Test of evidence - a source's reputation for accuracy and reliability
Criteria of evaluation
The standards on which a value judgment is based
In policy debate, respondents raising questions about the kinds of considerations implied in the stock issues
Words or phrases that signal something, other than a reason or a conclusion, about the content of an argument
Dangerous precedent
A basis for a series of undesirable exceptions for similar cases
Deductive arguments
Arguments that lead to necessary conclusions when their reasons are true.
Typical structure: moving from a general principle (major premise) and a more specific observation (minor premise) to a conclusion that applies the general principle to the particular case
To advance a meaning for a word or to classify an object, person, or act
Definition report
A definition that all parties to a debate agree upon, or that states a generally accepted or agreed-upon meaning
Demographic analysis
A type of audience analysis - an effort to create a picture of the audience that focuses on descriptive information such as age, race, gender, and economic status
A tool of argument analysis that involved mapping an argument, using only the letters assigned during scanning, and drawing lines from reasons to the conclusion they support
Dialogic perspectives
Ethical perspectives that elevate efforts to preserve the two-sidedness of public discourse
Digital literacy
The capacity to skillfully navigate and employ online resources
A strategy of argument that forces a choice between limited and undesirable options
In policy debate - unintended negative consequences of the proposed plan that outweigh any claimed advantages
Stated during the first negative constructive
Disjunctive argument
An argument that presents limited options: two enumerated alternatives, or disjuncts, often marked by an "either-or" statement
Dispositional analysis
Audience analysis aimed at discovering audience attitudes toward your topic and perhaps toward you as an advocate
Distinction without a difference
A definition that suggests that a category exists, without adequately explaining how objects in this category differ from objects in similar categories
Distributed term
In a categorical argument, a term that, in a statement, refers to every member of the category it represents
Editorial process
A check on the quality of research published in a periodical; careful review of submitted research reports
Emotional appeal
Engaging the audience's emotions for the purpose of persuasion.
AKA pathos
End terms
In a categorical argument, the two terms that appear once in a reason and once in the conclusion
Aristotle's term for a truncated or abbreviated categorical argument, missing one or more of the basic components, such as a reason or conclusion
Enumeration argument
An argument that sets out alternative explanations or options and then follows a process of elimination
A problem of definition - changing meaning of a key term in the course of an argument
Essential nature argument
An argument that focuses on the "essence" or unchanging nature of an organization, object, person, entity, or work of art
The origin of a word (as a source of definition)
A strategy of definition; a less objectionable and often less accurate term exchanged for a harsh, condemning, or emotionally charged term
A reason rooted in observation
Evidence case
In a literal analogy, a familiar or widely established instance that is used as the basis for the argument
Evidence relationship
In a figurative analogy, the familiar relationship pair that is used as support for the conclusion
Exclusive disjuncts
In a disjunctive argument, two alternatives that cannot both be true at the same time
AKA mutually exclusive possibilites
Expert testimony
The judgment or opinion of a qualified specialist in a discipline about matters relevant to that discipline
Extent of the generalization
In a generalization form a sample, the portion of the population that is said to exhibit a particular property
External consistency
A test of evidence - the requirement that evidence must not be sharply at odds with either the majority of evidence from other sources or with the best evidence from other sources
A claim that can potentially be verified as either true or false
Proposition of fact
A statement that reports, describes, predicts, or makes a causal claim
An argument that is invalid or otherwise so seriously flawed as to render it unreliable
Fallacy of hasty generalization
A fallacy - a generalization based on a sample that is too small to support it.
AKA a flawed argument of example
Fallible sign
An effect with more than one possible cause, though one cause is typical