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Skin structures
Epidermis, dermis, hypodermis, hair shaft, hair follicle, sweat pore, sweat gland, oil gland, nerve, blood vessels
Classes of fingerprints
Loops 65%, whorls 35%, arches 5%
loop percentage
whorl percentage
arch percentage
Fundamental principles of fingerprints
Unique, never change, ridge characteristics for classification
Origin of fingerprints
Multifactorial trait: DNA and environment, formed at 10
Types of evidence prints
Latent (hidden), plastic (3
Latent print
3d/molded print
visible print
Silver nitrate (pourous) is used for
Silver nitrate interacts with
silver nitrate produces
red/black fingerprint
ninhydrin (pourous) is used for
ninhydrin interacts with
amino acids
ninhydrin produces
permanent purple fingerprint
iodine fuming (pourous) used for
iodine fuming (pourous) interacts with
iodine fuming (pourous) technique
purple starch solution
fingerprint poweder/magnetic power(Non pourous)used for
non pourous surfaces
fingerprint poweder/magnetic power(Non pourous) sticks to
oils and sweat
Super glue (non pourous) used for
plastic, metal glass
super glue (non pouous) interacts with
amino acids
super glue (non porous) produces a
white print
Documentation of all prints
Photograph, document, and lift
Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System
Correct technique for rolling inked prints
Uncomfortable to comfortable
Sir William Herschel
Had workers sign contracts with handprints
Sir Edward Henry
Developed the Henry system based on presence/absence of whorls
Scientific name for a fingerprint
Legal Minimum Number of Minutiae
No legal minimum number of minutiae required for a match in court, but usually 12
Average Minutiae Count
Approximately 150 minutiae in each fingerprint
Genes (DNA) and Class Patterns
Genes (DNA) code for class patterns in fingerprints
Basal Layer of Epidermis
Fingerprints are formed in the basal layer of the epidermis
Digital machine used to take fingerprints
Marcello Malphighi
First to describe loops, whorls, and arches in fingerprints
Thomas Jennings
First person convicted by fingerprint evidence in the US
Juan Vucetich
Policeman who abolished anthropometry in favor of fingerprints in Argentina; first to do so
The West Brothers
Will and William West, both prisoners at Leavenworth; had different fingerprints despite similar body measurements
Developed anthropometry and introduced the concept of 'mug shots'