Philosophy Final UCR (PHIL 004) Myisha Cherry P2

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28 Terms

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Racial Subjectivism

idea that a person's race determines his mental processes, his intellectual outlook, his feelings, his thought patterns, and his conclusions

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a perspective on other individuals and groups that is tolerant of personal and cultural differences and is not restricted by political borders, language, morals, beliefs, or customs

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speech or behavior experienced by members of racial or ethnic minority groups as indirect or covert prejudice or discrimination

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Implicit Racism

implicit racism can occur one-on-one or in groups and may not be immediately recognised as racism. Implicit racism may not be a direct attack on a person's race but still negatively impacts people of color. Examples of implicit racism are white privilege, micro agression, and epistemic oppression

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Extrinsic Racism

Racial distinctions about racial groups outside your own. Distinctions are rooted in beliefs that the racial essence entails certain morally relevant qualities

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belief that there are human races or that humankind is divided into race

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Black-White Binary

the viewing of racial problems through lenses of only black and whites, marginalizing other minorities by labeling them as "almost white"

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Pertaining to groups who have both ethnic and racialized characteristics who are a historical people w/ customs and conventions developed out of collective agency, but who are also identified and identifiable by bodily morphology that allows for both group affinity as well as group exclusion and denigration

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Hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people

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ACE Gene

related to endurance, as there are certain variations that allow for increased endurance in sports.

Two alleles: I and D

People with I form have higher oxygen uptake and higher maximum heart rate

Presence of two ACE I was significantly higher in endurance athletes compared to ID or DD

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discrimination based on skin color. It is usually from members of the same race in which people are treated differently based on the social implications from cultural meanings attached to skin color.

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Veil of ignorance

to be ignorant of all his or her particular characteristics (wealth, sex, race) (John Rawls)

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Rectificatory justice

aims to set unjust situations right; should include restoration, compensation, apology, and punishment

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applicative justice

the process of extending justice already applied to some people, to new groups or individuals. produced by laws.

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What is Biological Collectivism

Biological collectivism is the idea of an individual attributing their traits and actions from their ancestors instead of judging an individual by their character. This is harmful to the self because it does not allow an individual to self cultivate or create their own moral identity. It is harmful to others because they categorize and judge others based on the biological collectivist formula which later creates a foundation for racial stereotypes.

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How is Biological Collectivism harmful to the self and others?

It makes others into biological collectivism; 1. by judging them according to this formula. 2. this is the foundation of racial stereotypes

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Name one reason, according to Jason Hill, why we should drop the term "racial identity?"

Jason Hill states that we should drop the term "racial identity" because it is morally and epistemically problematic. Hill believes that the idea of holding a racial identity causes individuals to be judged not by their character but by traits and actions by their ancestors, and these traits provide a vague ideal of who we think we are. He argues that this is linked to racial subjectivism, which is the belief that certain attributes are linked to a certain racial identity, and if anyone outside of that racial group has obtained those traits, it's either by accident or don't actually have them. Hill argues that holding a racial identity contributes to racial subjectivism.

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What is white privilege and some examples?

White privilege is the invisible and unearned benefits to whites living in a society with a history and present practice of racism against nonwhites. An example is when a world or society has everything geared towards them with white heroes, stories, and others. Another is that white people don't need to speak for their own race. A similar example is having the option of when it is convenient or pleasant to think of one's own race.

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What are two arguments against the use of the term?

Arguments against the use of the term"white privilege" are that it leads to introspection becoming an end in itself instead of a means towards justice. It causes the term to become detached from its intention and it can seem impossible to give up. As a result, it places more attention on the distress of white people than the needs of people of color. It also implies that every white person benefits equally from white privilege, which is not true. Similarly, its connotation makes it seem that white people may not want to give up their privilege. Additionally, what's at risk for people of color is their rights, not their privileges, making it seem like the problems of POC's are not too serious.

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What is racism according to JLA Garcia and why is it morally wrong?

According to JLA Garcia, racism is NOT just beliefs or actions. It's the heart; it's about emotions and attitudes (hatred, disgust, contempt, etc.) Racism can infect our beliefs, intentions, actions, etc. It is morally wrong because it's opposed to the virtues of benevolence and justice. It's also a morally insufficient concern or respect for some others. Racism is also morally loaded, and when pointing to a racist, one is pointing to their vicious character.

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Name the four axes of racial oppression according to Linda Alcoff?

The 4 axes of racial oppression according to Linda Alcoff are: Axis of color (black), axis of physical features (eyes, nose, hair), axis of cultural characteristics (language, food), and axis of geographical origin (uncivilized, slurs based on origin).

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What are IQ Tests and are they good ways to measure the intelligence of racial groups?

What about IQ Test?

IQ is not fixed. Can be improved

Not fixed in population

Test current skills not innate abilities

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What are false explanations for why some racial groups are dominant in music?

- Their music genius is attributed to their race

- these differences are NOT biological

-some styles are created out of cultural environment

- some groups adopt/ inherit certain styles

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Why are there an absence of Olympic Black swimmers according to Rutherford?

- False explanation: "Because they don't have the buoyancy"

- A 2017 survey identified the most significant correlates with this statistic including : a low number of parents and friends who swim, economic disadvantage(swim teams are mostly extracurricular which come with additional financial costs), a lack of access to polls, absence of African American swimming role models

- Rutherford explains the lack of Olympic Black swimmers because of the racist history of the U.S. pools were segregated until 1964, but even after that pools were more likely to be built in predominantly White areas, and access to pools for Black people was still restricted

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Explain one principle of justice according to John Rawls and explain if you agree or disagree.

Equal liberty: everyone is to have an equal right to the most extensive total system of equal basic liberties. Liberty to vote and run in office. Freedom of speech and assembly. Liberty of conscience. Freedom of personal property. Freedom from arbitrary arrest.

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What is affirmative action and the justification behind it? Name one charge against affirmative action and one response.

Affirmative action seeks to support and ensure that racial minorities are treated equally. The rationale behind affirmative action is that discrimination was widespread but hard to prove. Affirmative action was thought to be necessary because employment and university admission rates remained disproportionately white. Affirmative action prevents employment descrimination and allows institutions to consider race as a factor when hiring workers or admitting students. Two charges against affirmative action are: it is reverse racism, and it disrespects minorities. Some argue it is unfair to give some people unearned advantages when being hired or admitted to a school.

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What are the requirements for a just apology according to Roberts?

Roberts argues that a just apology requires a statement expressed by the wrongdoer or representative that acknowledges the action was wrong. It must be done after the injustice, regardless of the unjust loss. The unjust loss must be restored because without compensation, it is an illegitimate apology. It must be given verbally, face to face, with all members having a chance to hear it. It may also require the pressuring of a group to do so, but this is good.

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What is color blindness and why isn't it the answer to racial injustice according to Gutmann?

The principle of colorblindness is that it is never permissible to consider a person's race in employment decisions or school admissions or electoral regulations. Not even if the goal is to remedy racial injustice. Gutman argues that it isn't the answer to racial injustice because it wouldn't address the enduring legacy of racial injustice in the U.S, instead it'd deny its existence. It would also treat racial injustice as if it were morally irrelevant to public policy, making it seem as if citizens/people shouldn't be concerned with racial injustice.