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Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Federal administrative agency responsible for enforcing most federal antidiscrimination laws
Investigates charges of discrimination based on
– Color
– National origin
– Gender
– Religion
– Age
– Disability
– Genetic information
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009
Federal statute that permits a complainant to file an employment discrimination claim against an employer
– Within 180 days of the most recent paycheck violation
– Can recover back pay for up to two years preceding the filing of the claim, if similar violations occurred during the two-year period
Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964
Enacted to eliminate job discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin
Scope of Coverage of Title VII applies to:
Employers with fifteen or more employees
– All employment agencies
– Labor unions with fifteen or more members
– State and local governments and agencies
– Federal government employment
Disparate-treatment discrimination
Employer discriminates against a specific individual based on the person’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
Disparate-impact discrimination
Employer discriminates against an entire protected class
Race discrimination
Based on a person’s race
Color discrimination
Based on a person’s color
Civil Rights Act of 1866
Federal statute enacted after the Civil War
– Prohibits race and national origin discrimination
National origin discrimination
Based on a person’s heritage, cultural characteristics, or country of the person’s ancestors
Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Forbids discrimination due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions
Sexual orientation
Refers to whom a person is romantically or sexually attracted to, which may be someone of the same sex, opposite sex, both, or neither
Gender identity
Refers to an individual’s internal sense of being a man, woman, neither, or both
has interpreted Title VII to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity
Classification of Harasser
If an employee who harasses another employee is a co-worker:
Employer is liable if it was negligent in controlling the working situation
Reasonable accommodation for religion
Employer has to reasonably accommodate religious observances, practices, and beliefs of employees
Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)
Discrimination based on protected classes other than race or color is permitted
– Must be job related and a business necessity
Equal Pay Act
Protects both sexes from pay discrimination based on sex
Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA)
Prohibits age discrimination regarding employee benefits
Qualified individual with a disability
Prohibits discrimination against individual who has physical or mental impairment that limits a major life activity
– Can perform the basic functions of the job
Reasonable accommodation for disability
Employer is obliged to reasonably accommodate an individual’s disability, if it does not cause undue hardship on employer
Undue hardship
Employers are not obligated to provide accommodations that impose an undue hardship on them
Uncovered conditions
Certain conditions of disability, like temporary impairments, and users of illegal drugs and alcohol are not covered by the act
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Actgroups and other protected-class applicants when making
employment decisions
– Legal, if narrowly tailored to achieve compelling interest
Prohibits discrimination against employees based on genetic information
Affirmative action plan
Job preferences given to minority groups and other protected-class applicants when making employment decisions
– Legal, if narrowly tailored to achieve compelling interest
Reverse discrimination
Discrimination against a majority group
– Majority group may sue under Title VII