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Paul sets forth the ___________ work of God in and through Jesus Christ. He did so ___________ NOT in ____________.
redemptive, publicly, secret
Redemption is by Jesus’ __________ and through ________ as a demonstration of His righteousness.
blood, faith
This ______ _______ is only good to those who receive it freely as a gift. It is the only gift that can place them in a _______ _______ with God.
good news, right standing
Paul’s argument for justification by faith.
V. 27-_______ excluded,
V. 28- ______ apart from the works,
V. 29- God is ______ over all,
V. 30- Judgment of ______ and _______ will be on faith,
V. 31- Faith puts ______ in its proper place.
Boasting, faith, God, Jews, Gentiles, Law
After building a case against ______ _______ Paul spelled out the only way for them to become right with God.
all people
The transition “______ ______” gives us a great deal to rejoice about! It reveals a beginning of something ______ _______ from our guilt and helplessness
but now, heavenly different
God’s _____________ is on another principle other than our right doing (or our failure to do right).
One of fallen man’s most difficult tasks is to ______ God’s righteousness as a ______. With every fiber of our moral being, we want to _____ God’s favor.
accept, gift, earn
God neither needs nor desires our _____ in doing what we could never accomplish. _______ by its very nature rules out _________.
help, faith, boasting
The Law helps us to . . . and reveals that we are unable to live up to the ______ ______.
have the knowledge of sin, divine standard
___ ____’s purpose is to guide our conduct. It is NOT a means to stand before the throne of God and declare ourselves righteous based on our _____ ______.
The Law, righteous, own works
What was the Jew’s advantage against sin?
None ( all are under the penalty of sin)
The evidence against humanity is that no one is __________, no one has true ___________, and all have ________ _________ __________ _________ ________.
righteous, understanding, turned from the right path
LOGION - translation & definition
oracle, all the written utterances of God
DIKAIOO - translation & definition
Justified, To deem/show one to be right, just or righteous (primarily)
The Jews had been given the . . .
very words of God
Tripods Challenge:
God is God over all
God’s righteousness is apart from the law
Evidence Against Humanity
a. No one is righteous
b. No one has true understanding
c. All have turned from the right path
God is God over _____
God’s righteousness is apart from _____ _____
Evidence Against __________
a. No one is __________
b. No one has true ____________
c. All have turned from the _____ ______
all, the law, humanity, righteous, understanding, right path