GCSE geography 10 - jurassic coast case study

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length of jurassic coast

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length of jurassic coast

95 miles

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age of jurassic coast

185 million

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geology of old harry

  • cretaceous chalk

  • found on headland

  • on discordant coastline

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explain the influence of geology on old harry

  • chalk is more resistant that surrounding clay and sands

  • this creates a chalk headland due to differential erosion

  • headland sticks out of coast = wave refraction attacking headland

  • cretaceous chalk has lots of lines of weakness which are exploited by weathering and erosion

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explain the influence of climate on old harry

stormier climate now = more erosion on old harry

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geology of swanage bay

  • clay and sands

  • found on discordant coastline

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explain the influence of geology on swanage bay

  • softer rock than surrounding geology = quicker erosion

  • bay is therefore cut inland and at a lower elevation than surrounding headlands

  • waves are constructive as they have a lower energy in the bay due to wave refraction of headlands

  • constructive waves = more deposition

  • more deposition = beach

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geology of durdle door

  • portland limestone

  • found on concordant coastline

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influence of geology on durdle door

  • durdle door withstands erosion better tan softer bands of rock surrounding it

  • limestone has joints and bedding planes = more susceptible to weathering

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influence of climate on durdle door

  • warmer climate = less freeze-thaw weathering

  • spray from ocean = constant wetting and drying cycle

  • limestone is soluble and suffers from carbonation = more solution and chemical weathering

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geology of swanage beach

  • clay and sands from soft eroded rock

  • limestone from neighbouring durlston head

  • erosion to the south

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explain the influence of climate on swanage beach

  • two neighbouring headlands refract wave energy = beach with constructive waves

  • constructive waves = deposition

  • eroded sediment from headlands is deposited on swanage beach

  • longshore drift transports sediment south due to south-west prevailing winds

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name of tombolo on jurassic coast

chesil beach

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length of chesil beach

18 miles

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geology of chesil beach

  • sand and shingle beach from sediment deposited from further up coastline

  • shape of coastline allows lagoon to form behind tombolo

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explain the influence of climate on chesil beach

  • prevailing wind determines direction of LSD

  • calmer water allows for deposition across bend in coastline

  • this allows the tombolo to form

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explain the impacts of humans building hotel on geomorphic processes

  • major slip in 2012 meant drainage pipes were implemented to stop a slip plane being created on impermeable clay

  • this decreased mass movement on this area of the jurassic coast

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number of wooden groynes on jurassic coast


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when were the wooden groynes on jurassic coast built


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when and how much was the last beach replenishment on the jurassic coast

90,000 m³ in 2005

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when was the concrete sea wall on the jurassic coast built


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explain the impacts of groynes on geomorphic processes

  • limits LSD

  • encourages deposition in swanage bay

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explain the impacts of the concrete sea wall on geomorphic processes

limits hydraulic action and abrasion on coastline

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explain the impacts of beach replenishment on geomorphic processes

  • increases amount of deposition on swanage beach

  • increases rates of transportation as more sediment is available

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explain the pros and cons of management strategies on jurassic coast

  • aggressively defending the coast has built up sediment and protected the landscape behind

  • defences have been costly - all sea defence projects are multi million pound projects

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explain the pros and cons of groynes on jurassic coast

  • groynes 'starve' sediment from places beyond the final groyne

  • wooden groynes are starting to fall apart already so are less effective

  • groynes so successful they are overtopping - so much sediment has been deposited and trapped

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explain the pros and cons of beach replenishment on jurassic coast

  • beach replenishment needs redoing every 20 years

  • beach replenishment is expensive for larger beaches

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