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A-Town vs. B-Ville Prologue–Purpose?
How we tend to present certain things through language can have ripple effects on the perception of certain things.
We process certain features that allow us to classify, but can make us not realize the differences. It is what makes discussion possible and creates more general terms.
Abstraction (lower, higher)
Lower abstractions tell us more specific details about a concept, whereas higher abstractions are way more broad on a certain subject. Both should be used for their vital situations.
These tell us nothing about things, but describe our linguistic habits, and statements of language. They will remain at the same abstraction level, and point down it. Even worse ones are those that stay and give no info, or even point up.
“Let’s define our terms”
An unrealistic and superstitious attitude towards them. Meaning that people believe an understanding has been established with a definition. However, words in the definition can conceal more confusions than the word defined.
Operational defenitions
A way to keep the physical levels in mind when calling defenitions. It is a set of operations that tells us what to do and what to observe to bring the thing defined. This is very scientific, like a report!
Confusing levels of abstraction
When we confuse the inside of our head with the outside, coming from prescientific patterns of thinking. Being unaware of becoming more complex can make seeing and believing a single process.
This is done based on our interests and purposes, with interests to conduct and having certain differences matter more than others.
Naming is classifying, with a lot of it being based on convenience for those making it. Different necessities produce different classifications.
“Boys will be boys”
This tells us the “boys” made from someone’s mind is unchanged and they think that their perception is reality, which is false. Remember to know they are different and consider the facts and not overlap to conclusions.
Two value orientation
Assuming there are only two opposite sides, with there being NO MIDDLE GROUND. These can be helpful in narrowed situations like a fight, and aiding our fight or flight response. But for things like politics, it is like Nazi Germany. It can have a lot of opposing effects.
Two value logic
This does have consistency, such as math and creating and maintaining order in a vocabulary. But this does not completely solve the problem, and does not say anything about things. It can only lead to agreement if its FAST
Why do people use the two value orientation?
They dont know better, contemptuous of their audience, they are sincere, and use it to deflect off of any real issues
Multi-valued orientation
This is when we use a scale of desires, and place and rank them to create foresight into multiple of them. It uses a lot of adjusting, arriving, compromises, and fixed and agreed upon reactions.
Systemic approach to the Multi-valued orientation
Using a truth value system for certain statements can grant tentative values and make us more open to listening.
Hence, we can learn, moderate statement, establish connections, and profit. It promotes listening before reacting, enforcing human cooperation
Closed mind
This can only take in linear reactions and not open to complex ones. It has an automatic enemy trait, and shows the two value orientation on the speaker like everything or nothing. This evokes fear and concern for one who has this.
Open mind
The open mind can take linear and complex reactions, and they can be open to their disbelief and be aware that they don’t like the speaker but the statement, etc.
Debating pitfalls
Many call for a sense of feeling and makes it hard to avoid the two valued orientation. They rather want to spark interest using that with affective power. Hence, we instead get into a “jousting” mode where we always try to prove ourselves right without gaining any net intellect.
Committee pros
Everyone here will create compromises and arrive at a decision that everyone is adjusted to. Hence, there is more to be done from this process.
Something that tends to be studied, affective and connotative, and symbolic beyond itself. It is more challenging to identify yourself with it and lock more into it. “Poets, are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.”
Sponsored poetry
Poetry that allows us to speak separately of the two things. A major of goal of expression was made from this with a wide variety of meanings and interpretations. Keep in mind that this comes from a older time period.
Unsponsored poetry
This is rather made to satisfy the writer instead of the demand. They have obscurity of language and tone, but that is due to the world we live in. The danger of sounding like you promote goods is much easier.
Advertising and the symbols we live by
It is a symbol-manipulation occupation. As symbols like love can be connected to diapers of babies, and promoting certain things that can even lose their origins. Many symbols are taken and almost seem unusable.
Intensional orientation
The habit of going ourselves with words ALONE instead of facts. Hence, every man is his most enchanted listener. We tend to assume more, creating errors that are unaware, automatic, confusing levels of abstraction, and only aware of similarities.
Simply talking too much can cause us to have intensional orientations. We imply certain non-reals onto a map, and unable to separate the intensional from the extensional makes it worse. It creates a tunnel vision and blinds ourselves with false knowledge.
Advertising and Intensional orientations
Using affective connotations and word play, they get us to day dream over certain products which creates our own intensional thoughts about them. They try to get us more with automatic reactions and not thoughtful ones.
Television and experience
One of television’s greatest powers is that we can feel like we actually experience the events depicted and seen. It tends to abstract what you see as well, and can be more specific or broad. It can even illustrate us a tunnel vision of the world.
“Seeing is believing” and Visual media
TV has used to cause this notion, but now it can rather accelerate it as we get better with knowing that TV can not be real in certain cases. But TV trying to put that into you is very concerning to say the least.
“Insoluble” problems and the vicious cycle
As a certain solution is rooted into us, and the outside conditions change, it will now bring a negative result. Through anxiety however, we fixate on that choice. To stop the negativity, we make a choice again, which only brings more of a negative impact.
Cultural lag and institutional inertia
We root certain patterns of behavior in us through certain abstractions, and we think those are now real as we are stuck with them. We then reach a point where these institutions are the only right way.
Hence, when the conditions change, we change these very slowly and can still exist when not needed for people
The fear of change
When changes do not match each other, we become more concerned and strained. This can come from ignorance, or wanting to maintain a stance of power in riches or politics. These institutions can trip in EXTREME emergencies.
The scientific attitude
To approach issues more better, we should use a extensionally-orientated way. We make predictions of a territory on a map, and keep the accurate and discard the wrong ones, The true one is ONLY FOR THE TIME BEING.