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Drilling ship
Used to drill for oil/gas in water that is too deep for platforms. Can cause noise pollution in the ocean, disrupting communication and mating or migration of marine mammals
a supertanker
A very large ship that is fitted with tanks for carrying oil across oceans. Can cause noise pollution in the ocean, disrupting communication and mating or migration of marine mammals.
the use of reflected sound waves to determine distances or to locate objects. Used by animal species such as bats and dolphins, but also used by ships (SONAR), which can interfere with animal communication.
A unit of measurement of loudness of a sound. The louder the sound, the more cochlear (hearing) damage it can cause.
Hertz (Hz)
Unit of measurement for frequency of sound waves
migratory route
The path a migrating species such as whales or birds follow. Can be interrupted by noise pollution if species depend on communication during migration
cochlear damage
Damage to hairs within the auditory tract that assist with hearing. Can be cause by high intensity sounds (high decibel)
Urban vs. ocean noise pollution
Urban sources include vehicles, factories, lawnmowers while ocean (marine) sources are more from ship traffic and the use of SONAR by military or trade ships