minor crime for which a person can be fined a small sum of money or jailed for up to a year
money ordered by a court to pay for injuries or losses suffered
the person who files a lawsuit
the person who is being sued
the government in the role of the party who starts the legal proceedings against someone accused of a crime
more serious crime such as murder, rape, kidnapping, or robbery
taking official charge of someone
penal code
a state's written criminal laws
a notice directing someone to a court appearance
an act that breaks the law and harms people or society
delinquient offender
a youth who has committed a criminal case
disposition hearing
the sentencing in a juvenile case
plea bargaining
a process in which a defendant agrees to plead guilty to a less serious crime in order ot get a lighter sentence
adjudication hearing
the procedure used to determine the facts in a juvenile case, like a trial in criminal law
detention hearing
the procedure by which a judge decides whether to charge a juvenile with an offense; like a preliminary hearing in an adult trial
the questioning of a witness at a trial to check or discredit the witness' testimony
a wrongful act for which a person has the right to sue
lack of proper care and attention
to correct a person's behavior
a process by which lawyers check facts and gather evidence before a trial
a formal notice that a lawsuit has been brought
A driver charged with running a red light is an example of a civil lawsuit.
Paul gave Dave a television set, and Dave told him he would pay $600. Dave failed to pay. Can Paul sue Dave for breach of contract?
no, because the amount was more than $500
A trial involving charges of damage to property caused by negligence is an example of ____________________.
civil law
F and G have an agreement. G will drive F to another city and F will pay G $150. G does not pay attention while he is driving and has an accident. F is hurt and sues G for negligence. This lawsuit involves ________________.
personal injury
Failing to exercise reasonable caution to avoid injury or property damage is known as being ____________________.
John is tired of Mr. Wiggins coming into his bookstore and messing up his magazine display racks. He sets a trap for Wiggins by placing a banana peel on the floor where Wiggins will trip on it. If Wiggins is hurt, he can sue John for _______________.
an intentional tort
The search for information at the beginning of a lawsuit is called _________________.
In a civil trial, the defendant presents his or her case first.
A judge can order that money be deducted from the defendant's paycheck to pay damages to the plaintiff.
A defendant found to have behaved badly may have to pay additional money as a punishment.
Most crimes are federal crimes.
Vandalism may be either a felony or a misdemeanor, depending on ______________________.
the dollar amount of damage done
Threatening to attack another person is ____________________.
Crimes against people are called violent crimes.
The same crime always results in the same punishment.
One purpose of criminal punishment is to compensate the person who was harmed.
In a felony case, the accused enters a plea of guilty or not guilty at the ________________.
During the _________, each lawyer outlines the case he or she will present.
opening statements at the trial
Who decides whether a criminal case will be tried by a judge or a jury?
the defendant
The juvenile justice system was set up to teach young offenders the difference between right and wrong.
The age at which a person can be tried as an adult _________________.
differs from state to state
Under ___________, juveniles who are charged with a crime have the right to an attorney.
a supreme court ruling
Federal law determines whether a juvenile who has committed a serious crime will be tried as an adult.
Which of the following is a juvenile status offense?
skipping school
Once the police take custody of a juvenile offender, they must bring him or her to court.
A social worker may decide how a juvenile case will be handled.
If a case goes through diversion, the juvenile offender may __________________.
receive counseling
A disposition hearing is similar to an adult _____________________.
sentencing hearing