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Why is population growth density-dependent?
populations don’t grow forever
limited by resources, competitors, natural enemies
Intraspecific competition
Interference→ individuals prevent access to resources e.g fighting over food
Vital rates change according to conspecific density
Negative effects strong at high densities
Often positive effects at low densities
As density increases, what happens to survival rate/ individual fecundity?
Density dependent responses in the life stages of plants
Seed predation/granivory
Seed germination
Seedling establishment/survival
Sapling/tree/adult growth & survival
Seed production
pollen availability
size of adult
What is the (Warder Clyde) Allee effect?
aggregation can improve the survival rate of individuals, and that cooperation may be crucial in the overall evolution of social structure
Example of the Allee effect
Mating success
Defence→ safety in numbers
Feeding e.g Yellowstone wolves hunt together - increasing pack size increases p(attack) → p(capturing) - both increase as pack size increases - but there is a peak and it decreases after that point
When is the Allee effect strong?
at low pop. density + low growth rat
to do with mating success
What is the per capita growth rate?
number next year/ number in current year
Behaviour that affects density-dependent growth
avoid competition
avoid kin
avoid poor resource levels
interference competition
‘arguing’ rather than feeding
or more cooperation
How are movement and dispersal different?
Movement eg leaving a food patch
Dispersal –normally leads to novel gene transfer (mating)
How is movement + dispersal density dependent?
Positive density dependent
Avoid competition now
Find new resources
Negative density dependent
Avoid competition later(?)
Mate finding
What are the 3 types of negative density dependence?
Under-compensatory density dependence
Causes mortality
Births still greater than deaths
Compensatory density dependence
Deaths = births
Over-compensatory density dependence
Fewer individuals next time step than current time step
What is the self-thinning rule?
The self-thinning rule relates plant mass to plant density in crowded, even-aged stands by a power-law equation with an exponent −3/2.
What kind of organisms does the law of self-thinning apply to?
especially plants
How does density affect the size/ biomass of individuals
Increase in density = reduction in size
Decrease in density = increase in size
-3/2 slope
3/2 means weight increases faster than numbers decreasing → cannot continue forever
At some point weight must increase at same rate
Slope = -1
Lower light → shows slope -1
Some variation in slope
Indicative of how close population is to limit (max yield)
Carrying capacity (K)
The maximum sustainable population size in the current environment
Population growth phases
Small populations tend to grow exponentially= Density independent phase→ simple equation from last week
Population growth slows as environmental carrying capacity is approached
growth of population is zero
What is a phase plane (in a time series of pop. dynamics)?
density now vs. density in next time point
What 2 kinds of phase planes can you have?
2 species (N1 vs. N2)
1 species (Nt vs. Nt+1)
What are attractors?
Set of points in phase space.
Once reached, system does not leave set.
All points in set are reached.
Any point in phase space near attractor will approach the attractor
What are the 3 types of attractors?
Stable (point)
Limit cycle (series of points/ ring)
Chaos (complex geometry)
Damped oscillations
overshoot, undershoot, gets smaller → eventually reaches stable equilibrium
2-point limit cycle
In equilibrium (not changing its behaviour over time)→ balanced between one value overshooting and one undershooting
Purely driven by density dependence
What is Chaos?
Extreme sensitivity to initial conditions (noise) and non-periodic
Not random/ stochastic
Deterministic: IF exact initial conditions known then complete prediction possible
Due to over-compensatory density dependence
What does chaos look like on a graph?
^ looks random but is not → parameters stay the same so nothing changes in the model over time
only predictable thing is that it goes up and down
gets very close to 0
never repeats itself → never finds a sequence that repeats
still at an equilibrium
limit on max. number it will go to
chaos→ slightly different starting conditions → different trajectories = sensitive
Non-overlapping generations
discrete time
difference equations
e.g insects
Overlapping generations
e.g perennial plants, humans
continuous time
differential equations
Equation to model density-dependence growth
Ricker equation
dN/ dt
RATE OF CHANGE of N with respect to t
instantaneous rate of change
dN/ dt < 0
population in decline
dN/ dt < 0
population increasing
dN/ dt = 0
population in equilibrium
Properties of the logistic population model
S-like population growth curve.
Max growth rate at 1/2 carrying capacity.
Large populations take longest to reach equilibrium.
Stable equilibrium (chaos not possible) -point attractor