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A set of relatively enduring behavioral characteristics and internal predispositions that describe how a person reacts to their environment.
A therapeutic technique developed by Sigmund Freud that aims to uncover the unconscious motives behind behaviors.
The part of the mind that contains biological drives and operates on the pleasure principle, seeking instant gratification.
The component of personality that negotiates between the desires of the id and the restrictions of the superego, operating on the reality principle.
The part of the personality that holds moral standards and ideals derived from parents and society; it represents the conscience.
Events or demands that cause stress, which can be either positive or negative.
A state of emotional and physical exhaustion, often experienced by individuals with high standards, characterized by lowered productivity and feelings of hopelessness.
Psychosexual Stages
Five stages proposed by Freud (oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital) that describe the development of personality through conflicts related to different bodily pleasures.
An emotional state that occurs when a goal is blocked or thwarted, leading to feelings of disappointment.
A state of mental struggle resulting from opposing demands or impulses within oneself.
Free Association
A psychoanalytic technique where a patient speaks freely to uncover thoughts and feelings from the unconscious.
The inherent tendency to reach one's full potential, as emphasized by humanistic theories.
Oedipus Complex
A child's feelings of rivalry with the same-sex parent and affection for the opposite-sex parent during the phallic stage.
Electra Complex
A girl's sense of competition with her mother for the affection of her father, parallel to the Oedipus complex.
Cognitive Appraisal
The mental process of evaluating a stressful event, which influences how stressful that event is perceived to be.
Internal Conflict
The struggle within a person when faced with difficult choices or dilemmas.
Defense Mechanism
Psychological strategies used by individuals to cope with reality and maintain self-image.
Humanistic Theories
Psychological perspectives that emphasize personal growth, self-actualization, and the holistic view of human beings.