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capacity of short-term memory
~7 digits
capacity of working memory
varies depending on age and other factors
capacity of long-term memory
semantic memory
explicit memory of facts and general knowledge
episodic memory
explicit memory of personally experienced events
what semantic networks do for memory
connect concepts, help group objects based on similar characteristics
frontal lobes
where semantic and episodic memory is processed and stored
neural center in the limbic system, helps process explicit memories
function of left hippocampus
verbal information
function of right hippocampus
visual designs and locations
memory consolidation
neural storage of long-term memory
how study/sleep/restudy process helps memory
remember material better
happens during sleep
hippocampus processes memories for later retrieval
cerebellum helps form and store memories created by this
classical conditioning
basal ganglia
involved in motor memory, facilitates procedural memory for skills
two influences that can cause infantile amnesia
children do not posses much knowledge of any language, hippocampus is one of the last brain structures to mature
impact of emotional stress on memory
glucose increase which gives brain more energy, provokes amygdala to initiate a memory trace, lasting physical change as memory forms that boosts memory-forming areas
flashbulb memory
clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event
encode memories
best retrieval cues come from associations when we ____
past actions
intended future actions
priming effect
activation of particular associations in memory
memoryless memory
implicit, invisible memory, without conscious awareness
encoding specificity principle
idea that cues and contexts specific to a particular memory will be most effective in helping recall it
context-dependent memory
what we learn in one state may be more easily recalled when we are again in the state
mood-congruent memory
tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with one’s current good or bad mood
serial position effect
tendency to recall best the last items in a list initially (recency effect) and the first items in a list after a delay (primacy effect)
monitoring and evaluating your learning, self-testing
testing effect
testing yourself and rehearsing over time
mixing your study between various subjects, boosts learning by allowing extra retrieval practice