History - Move to Global War

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Japan - 1800s

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Japan - 1800s

1853: US Matthew Perry arrives

  • Offers to open trade between nations, successful

1868: Meiji restoration, period of modernisation

  • Impacts: western model reforms, constitution installed, industrialisation, education and military reforms

1894-95: First Sino-Japanese War

  • Won by Japan, took lands in Taiwan and concessions in Manchuria

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Japan - 1900 to 1920

1904-05: Russo-Japanese War

  • Won by Japan

  • USSR w/ weakened political system nearing revolution, Japan took some land

1914: Entered WWI

  • Aftermath

    • In Treaty of Versailles, received some German holdings of land but had equality clause denied by Western powers which would have established Japan as an equal World Power

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Japan - 1920s

Problems of the period

  • Fragile government, fears of communism, conservatives and army questioning internationalism, post-war economy slumped and worsened w/ 1929 Great Depression

1921-22: Washington conference

  • 4 Power Treaty: UK, US, France + Japan, agreement around threats of Asian territory

  • 9 Power Treaty: keep China as open land for all 9 powers

  • 5 Power Naval Agreement: Japan agreed to limit navy, other didn’t limit as much making it feel discriminated against

Pre-Expansion state

  • Instability in China

    • 1926 Northern Expedition (GMD attempts at unifying)

    • 1927 Civil War between GMD and CCP

  • Instability in Japan

    • Conflicting government and military

    • Dark Valley: political and military divisions

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Japan - 1930s

Period of Expansion

Causes of expansion

  • 1929 Great Depression

    • Worsening economy, high unemployment, crushed exports

  • Why Manchuria?

    • Raw materials: offered chance for autarky


  • 1931 Manchurian Crisis

    • 1931 Mukden Incident

      • Army exploded railway, blamed Chinese, moved into Manchuria

    • Fighting in Shanghai

    • Japanese air force bombings

    • 1933 Treaty of Tanggu

      • China concedes control to Japan making Manchuria → Manchukuo and a Japanese puppet state

      • Hopes that this would be enough for Japan

      • China then prioritised dealing w/ communism

    • LoN sent Lytton Commission (requested withdrawal of Japan)

      • Japan refused, left LoN

    • Results

      • Worsened relations between Japan & China

      • Stopped internationalism

      • Showed control of army

  • 1937 Second Sino-Japanese war

    • Marco Polo Bridge Incident: Japan soldiers attacked Chinese

    • Rape of Nanjing: Japanese soldiers in Nanjing raped, tortured and killed countless women

    • US interventions

      • 1938 offered aid to China

      • 1939 established moral embargo, no planes

      • 1941 sent fighter planes to China, froze Japanese assets in US

    • Results

      • GMD and CCP joined to stop Japan, international outrage, showed control of military over government

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Japan - 1940s

Period of continued expansion

1940 Tripartite Axis Pact

  • Germany, Italy + Japan

  • Germany/Italy → European expansion

  • Japan → Asian expansion

1941 Neutrality Act

  • USSR + Japan

  • Eased Japanese concerns on Northern Border

US, UK and Netherlands Attacks

  • Pearl Harbor & Philipines (US territories)

  • Hong Kong & Singapore (UK territories)

  • Aims

    • Incapacitate western navies

  • Results

    • Destroyed 90% of US air and sea power

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Italy - 1800 to 1914

Rise of Fascism

  • Divided nation: unified in 1860 but w/ great divisions, no national identity

  • 1914 WWI

    • Exacerbated divisions

    • Killed millions, larger political divisions, war cost much more than gains received

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Italy - 1920s


  • Public anger over war settlements, high unemployment, economic crisis, restricted emigration due to US bans, fear of communism

1921 National Fascist Party Initiated

  • Established by Mussolini

  • Promoted nationalism, dictatorship, glorification of war, anti-communism, anti-internationalism

1922 March on Rome

  • Fascist ‘Black Shirts’ marched to Rome in attempted coup

  • Violence led by fascist members, government not able to suppress

  • King sided w Mussolini, named him Prime Minister

1923 Party Merges & Corfu Affair

  • Fascist party merged w/ Nationalist

  • Acerbo Law: party w/ most votes receives most seats in parliament

  • Corfu Affair: italian official killed in Greece, entire army sent to Greece, withdrawal ordered by LoN

1924 Elections & Seizure of Fiume & Treaty w/ Albania

  • Elections: marred by political violence, fascists grow from 7% to 67%

  • Seizure of Fiume: town held by Yugoslavia

  • Treaty of Friendship: w/ Albania, gave protectorate status (one protects other)

1925 Mussolini as il Duce & Locarno Treaty

  • Claimed himself head of government, duke of Fascism

  • Law on Powers of Head of Government

    • Supreme powers that could only be removed by King

  • Political parties banned, press controlled, OVRA (secret police) established, juries controlled, creation of Fascist Youth Movement

  • Locarno Treaty: confirmed Western borders

1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact

  • International pact, countries agreed not to go to war

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Italy - 1930s

Period of Aggression

Leading Factors

  • Fascism (glorified war, expansionism) and economic crisis

1933 Four Power Pact / Quadripartite Agreement

  • UK, France, Germany + Italy

  • Reaffirmed Great Power influence in Europe

1934 Austria

  • Supported their independence

  • Moved troops to Northern border as show of force to German threat

1935 Stressa Conference

  • Italy, UK + France

  • Maintained status quo in Europe preventing Germany from violations of Versailles

1935-36 Invasion of Abyssinia (Ethiopia)

  • Why?

    • Region was between Italian territories, wanted to gain colonial troops, demonstrate Italian strength

  • 1934 Clash of forces in Wal Wal Oasis

    • Similar to Mukden Incident

    • Mussolini wants apology

    • Selassie (chancellor of Abyssinia) refuses, calls for LoN intervention

    • Italy, as member of LoN refuses intervention

  • 1935 troops invade

    • Lots of violence, economic sanctions from LoN placed

  • Results

    • Many ethiopian losses

    • Increased tensions w/ UK

    • End of Stressa Front

1936 Spanish Civil War

  • Opportunity to support fascists over communists, expanded fascist government support

  • Hopes to gain naval bases in Mediterranean

  • Violates non-intervention pledges alongside USSR+ Germany, 7000 troops sent

  • Results

    • High economic costs, weakened Italy (depletion of arms)

    • New alliances: Rome-Berlin Axis 1936, Anti-Cominterm Pact w/ Germany + Japan 1937

    • Italy leaves LoN

1938 Nearing WWII

  • Supports Germany and its occupation of Sudetenland

  • 1939 Pact of Steel: w/ Germany, military defensive alliance

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Italy - 1940s

1940 Joins War

  • Not prepared but wants to be seen as Great Power + territorial gains

  • To avoid Germany dominated Europe

  • Invasions of Egypt (UK) from Libya, Greece from Albania, France from Alps

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