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profession of faith in Islam, one of the five pillars
Pray towards Mecca five times a day in Islam, one of the five pillars
Alms to the poor (charity) in Islam, one of the five pillars
Fasting during Ramadan in Islam, one of the five pillars
(Islam) a fast (held from sunrise to sunset) that is carried out during the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Part of Sawm
Pilgrimage to Mecca in Islam, one of the five pillars of faith
Arab prophet; founder of religion of Islam.
Reasons for the popularity of Islam
Mansa Musa, universalizing religion, easier to understand, conversion of the Mongols, conversion of the Turks, Muhammad military genius
("cube") a pre-islamic cubed building in mecca believed by muslims to have been built by Abraham. It is the center of the Muslim Pilgrimage. Also believed to be the point of creation in the universe
Mongol view of religion
Religious toleration, no forced conversion, believed religion tied to the land and often converted to the religion of the peoples they conquered
Granddaughter of Genghis Khan, united the Mongol tribes
Mongol view of women
Had shamanistic roles, in charge of home and economy
Mongol military tactics
psychological warfare, hostage-taking, biological warfare, intimidation, sieges
a portable dwelling used by Mongols, could be taken down and put up quickly
Countries in the Mongol Empire
Korea, Iraq, Iran, China, Russia
The eastern portion of the Roman empire; lasted until 1453
Capital of the Byzantine Empire
Justinian Law Code Code
Emperor Justinian's law code, greatly simplified the law
The Great (Eastern) Shism
First major break in the Catholic Church, birth of Orthodoxy
Great (Eastern) Schism
Means right teaching, believed priests should marry, Bible in the vernacular, does not recognize the authority of the pope, Emperor controls the church, supremacy of the Father in the Trinity
Legacy of Byzantium
Christianization of Russia, Hagia Sophia, Educational and Intellectual center, art and architecture
Hagia Sophia
The Cathedral of Holy Wisdom in Constantinople, built by order of the Byzantine emperor Justinian
Reasons for the Fall of Byzantium
lack of Christian unity, Ottoman Turks, lack of military innovation, sacked by Venetians twice
Fall of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks
Reasons for the fall of Constantinople
Failure of Western and Eastern Christians to unite, lack of military innovation
Mehmet II
Founder of the Ottoman Empire, saved Byzantine architecture, created largest land empire in Europe at the time
Suleiman the Magnificent
Greatest ruler of the Ottoman Empire, Golden Age of the Ottomans, devshirme, janissaries, simplified the law code, listened to advisors
Ottoman policy of taking boys from Christian peoples to be trained as Muslim soldiers
Infantry, originally of slave origin, armed with firearms and constituting the elite of the Ottoman army; created subjects loyal to the emperor only
Consequences for the Fall of Constantinople for Europe
Forced western Europe to explore all-water trade routes to the west after China/India after Turks cut off overland trade routes, forced military innovation
Orban the Hungarian
Invented the Dardanelle Gun, or Ottoman Supergun
Dardanelles Gun (Ottoman Super Gun)
Canon invented by Orban the Hungarian, led to the defeat of the Byzantines. Could shoot a mile and a half
Capital of the Ancient Rus, each city state had its own laws, boyars
Military council that advised the princes of Kiev
Viking overlords, original rulers of Russia
Mongols in Russia
The Mongols conquered Russia but only collected tribute, separated Russia culturally from Europe
Capital of Russia after Kiev, moved inland to escape Mongols
Mansu Musa
Greatest ruler of Mali, richest man in the history of the world, spread Islam throughout N Africa
extensive adaptation of Chinese culture in other regions, particularly Japan, Korea, Vietnam
Class of warriors in feudal Japan who pledged loyalty to a noble in return for land.
a former Chinese custom of touching the ground with the forehead as a sign of respect or submission nine times
Influenced by China, languages very similar, did not have a merit-based bureaucracy, centralized government based on China, exported silk
Resisted Chinese influence, nuclear family, guerilla warfare, gave women the most rights of the Asian countries
Nuclear Family
Mother, father and children living as a unit
One male, several females.
Silk Road
Binds Europe, Middle East, N Africa, and Asia together through trade and religion, especially Islam and Buddhism
combining two or more cultural beliefs/practices to create something new
Buddhism, Silk Road
Changed dramatically as it went East--atheistic, ascetic religion with few festivals to one with many gods, festivals, and emphasis on peace and kindness
Most important good traded in this time
Secret police force that was created by Ivan the Terrible
Ivan the Terrible, Yaraslov, Vladimir I
First rulers of Russia, ruled by fear, paranoia, and absolute power
Trung Sisters
Leaders of one of the frequent peasant rebellions in Vietnam against Chinese rule
Cultural diffusion
The spread of ideas, customs, and technologies from one people to another; spread of culture
Accomplishments of Islamic Scholars
Algebra, number 0, medical encyclopedia, literature, architecture, first to develop inoculations
Highest church official in Orthodoxy, major centers in Kiev and Constantinople
the common language of the people
Guerilla warfare
Using home resources and knowledge of geography to fight a better trained/organized army
Highly militaristic culture, most similar to feudal Europe in this time period, xenophobic, especially towards Christian missionaries
capital of the Ottoman empire; formerly Constantinople
a ruler with unlimited power
Russian term for monarch; form of the word caesar
fear of foreigners