what is the evidence for MSM
henry molaison was unable to transfer new information from STM to LTM and evidence from primary recency effect
what is the primary recency effect and why does it occur
remembering things at the beginning and end of a list but displacing things in the middle - we remember things at the beginning of the list because of LTM and rehearsal and things at the end because of STM
what is evidence against MSM (2)
bekerian and baddeley and morris et al
describe bekerain and baddeleys research
people didn’t know BBC radio wavelengths were changing despite hearing the information around 1000 times on the radio
describe morris et als research
people who were interested in football made up scores more accurately than those who weren’t interested in football
what do these studies suggest
that rehearsal doesn’t necessarily transfer information to the LTM so there may be other processes involved and that prior knowledge can be used to help STM so it suggests that memory isn’t linear
what is evidence for the WMM
evidence from robbins
evidence from KF case study
neurophysiological evidence like PET scans have shown that different areas of the brain whilst undertaking verbal and visual tasks so makes the model valid
describe robbins research
found testing a task involving visuo-spatial sketchpad - remember and replicate chess positions and a verbal task didn’t effect performance
how does KF’s case study provide evidence for the WMM
after being in a motorcycle accidence and suffering damage to his parietal lobe his digit span was 1 whilst his visual store was intact - impaired phonological store