MATH256 at UBC
linear first order equation
y = 1/i * integral( iq(x) ) + C/i
what is the guess:
polynomial degree n
Axn + Bxn-1 … C
coswx or sinwx
Acoswx + Bsinwx
enx(coswx or sinwx)
enx(Acoswx + Bsinwx)
enx(polynomial degree n)
enx(Axn + Bxn-1 … C)
homo sol
xncoswx or xnsinwx
(Axn + Bxn-1 … C)coswx + (Dxn + Exn-1 … F)sinwx
notation for imaginary roots
r = α ± β
(Acos(βx) + Bsin(βx))*ealphax
combining from cosβx + sinβx to cosβx
(Acos(βx) + Bsin(βx))*ealphax
y'' + 2αy' + Ω^2 = αcoswt
α > Ω overdamped
α < Ω underdamped
α = Ω critically damped RESONANCE
α = 0 no damping
at resonance α = Ω
w0 = (K/M - (D/(2M)²)^(1/2)
w0 = ( Ω² - α² )^(1/2)
period / frequency equation
T = 2pi/w
T = 1/f
w = 2*pi*f
makes cosine zero for pde
makes sine zero for pde
laplace integral
dirac delta