ATP Synthase and ATP Yields

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What is the proton motive force?

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What is the proton motive force?

A combination of [H+] concentration gradient and electrical potential difference across IMS and Matrix

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What does the F0 stalk of ATP Synthase do?

Acts as the motor by taking H+ via a subunit and sending it through the c ring

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What AA exists on the C-ring that attaches protons to it?


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How many c subunits are in the c ring?


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What are the subunits of the F1 portion of ATP synthase?

hexamer of α and β subunits, with γ subunit in the middle

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What are the possible confirmations of the α and β subunits? Which way is the γ subunit turning in normal ATP synthesis?

Clockwise movement (O→L→T)

O: ADP + Pi bond (ATP released)

L: ADP + Pi locked

T: ATP formed

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How much ATP does one full turn of ATP synthase form?


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Which UCLA professor found the rotational ATP synthase model?

Paul Boyer

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Do you know what the reaction coordinate diagram of ATP Synthase looks like?


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How does ADP get to the mitrochondrial matrix?

Adenine Nucleotide Translocase transport 1 ATP into IMS and 1 ADP into matrix at the same time

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How does inorganic Phosphate (Pi) transported into the matrix?

Phosphate Translocase Symporter transports 1 Pi in and 1 H+ out. It can also symport 3H+ for 1 ADP.

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What 3 compounds form the ATP-synthasome complex?

ATP synthase, Adenine nucleotide translocase, and phosphate translocase

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The ETC and TCA are said to be _____ coupled


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What does adding ADP + Pi do to ATP synthesis


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What does adding Succinate do to ATP synthesis?

ETC activate, increasing ATP synthesis

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What does adding CN- do to ATP Synthesis?

ETC blocked, ATP synthe halts

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What uncouplers can uncouple ETC from ATP Synthesis?

2,4 DNP and FCCP

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What do uncouplers do?

Move H+ without the need for e-’s; destroys proton gradient

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What do malate and aspartate do in the malate aspartate shuttle?

Transfer e-’s

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How does NADH get into the mitochondrial matrix from the IMS?

The Malate-Aspartate shuttle and the G3P Shuttle

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What does glutarate and a-ketoglutarate do in the malate-aspartate shuttle?

Amino group donors/acceptors

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How much ATP does the Malate-Aspartate shuttle yield compared to the G3P Shuttle?

2.5 ATP compared to 1.5 ATP

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Does the G3P shuttle need transporters?


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Why does the G3P Shuttle produce less ATP than the Malate-Aspartate Shuttle?

It bypasses Complex I (misses out on proton pumping here)

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What happens if no O2 is present?

Proton motive force collapses, stopping or reversing ATP synthase

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If ATP Synthased is reversed (clockwise), what happens to ATP?

It is depleted by ATP Synthase

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What genes are activated in hypoxic conditions that help with hypoxia? What do they do?

IF1 → binds ATP synthase dimers and stops reversal

HIF1 → Removes reactive Oxygen species by stopping PDH and replaced Subunit IV’s COX4-1 with COX4-2, which is better suited for low O2 concentrations

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What is the total ATP yield?

30-32 ATP depending on which shuttle is used to bring NADH to ETC

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