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john smith mill
wrote on liberty - promoting individual freedom and decision making as core of societal institutions
ideology where principle of the dignity of freedom of the individual as the foundation for society
human progress, decentralized power and sovereignty.
adam smith
scottish political economist who rejected mercantilism (radical)
believed if people work for themselves, everyone including the state would b better off.
theorized invisible hand describing market forces in the economy
“by having every individual look after their own best interests, they unwittingly end up helping everyone else by providing jobs and cheaper products”
had a lassiez-faire economic system w/ minimal gov’t intervention
karl marx
wrote the communist manifesto which basically outlined how the proletariat gained means of production
believed capitalism would be overthrown in a class struggle between the proletariat and bourgeoisie.
baron de montesquieu
enlightenment thinker in France
believed in equality for individuals and accountability of gov’t also believed in the separation of powers to keep government balanced and in check
judicial, legislative and executive
these branches would be separate and dependent on one another so that the influence of any 1 pwr wouldn’t exceed that of the other two.
used in modern-day democracies (ex: US Consitution)
his ideas were seen as radical at the time.
ned ludd
disgruntled textile worker who destroyed machinery
considered reactionary and opposed “progress” of Industrial Revolution
J.D Rockefeller
monopolized oil industry during Industrial Revolution in US
considered robber baron and/or captain of industry
captain: donated lots of money, funded university
robber: drove people out of business, paid off gov’t to prevent th gov’t from breaking his monopoly.
robert owen
designed a factory in new lanark to improve lives of workers
believed individuals could pursue their own self-interests while also improving working and social conditions during hthe industrial revolution
economic system founded on belief in a free marker and limited government.
enlightenment in terms of classical liberalism
time period following feudalism characterized by belief in the woth of the indivudal and increasing classical liberal thought.
working class movement that focused on political and social reform. grp alr upset that some reform had taken place but it didn’t improve working class.
name came from people’s charter of 1838 which outlined 6 essential goals:
uni suffrage, equal sized electoral distractions, voting by secret ballot, end need of property qualifications 4 parliament, pay for members of parliament, annual elections
response to classical liberalism stressing improvement on the voting rights of the working class
movement of skilled artisans who rejected technological advancements
in early 1800s, Luddites protested changes to the economy brought about by the industrial revolution
replaced workers formed a protest movement with Ned Ludd being 1st to destroy machinery (b4 karl marx) causing many skilled workers to destroy over 200 machines
luddites also attacked english busniessmen and factory owners. gov’t responded by making machine tampering a criminial offence-punishable by death.
ideology that believes resources should be controlled by the public for the public
form of government where governing authority is vested in hands of representatives of the citizens
captain of industry
term used by classical liberals who believed these mens contributions were foundations of western economics today
success of these men could b seen as an example of how people in society made the most of an opportunity, took risks, worked hard and achieved success
many of these men gave back to community in some way.
classical liberalism
ideology stressing individualist principles (prices)
stresses importance of human rationality (philosophized by John Locke)
humans have free thought and will, not gov’t role to impose on this
political freedom
free market economy
utopian socialism
humanitarian movement opposing abuses of laissez-faire capitalism and built model communiyird.
robber baron
greedy individualists who are unwilling to share wealth with those who helped them earn it.
an image of a cold and ruthless man who’s greedy in pursuit of money and unwilling to share wealth with those who helped him earn it
generated fortunes at the expense of their employees caring nothing for the troubles of their workers, customers or competition.
protestant reformation
during the 16th and 17th centuries, the political, economic and social circumstances of Europe were altered through opposition to the catholic church
Europeans came into contact with other flourishing but non-Christian civilizations challenging European religious thought about society and the meaning of life
some believed these new ideas could lead to a freer, more tolerant society but they were not widely accepted.
religious reform movement that led to growing opposition to the catholic church in Europe
reason was as significant as faith
the time period in Europe characterized by the growth of secularism and humanism
life-based on reason than religion
sparked belief in the importance of the individual in society
british civil war
catastrophic series of conflicts that took place in the middle fo the 17th century
fought between those loyal to the king, Charles I and those loyal to Parliament.
wars divided the country at all levels of society. At the hear of the conflict was questions about pwr and religon
how was the enlightenment significant to classical liberlaism
enlightenment produced significant ideas that laid foundations for liberalism
liberty, equality, natural rights, democracy, freedom of religon, self government
ideas also changed the way people thought about the role of gov’t in their lives and that it should be limited to rule of law.
extreme; revolutionary
rejects political and economic traditions of the past
tends to oppose change
idealizes the past and accepts economic inequality.
laissez-faire capitalism
belief that state shouldn’t interrupt free play of natural economic forces (esp supply, demand, boom bust)
gov’t should leave business entrepreneurs alone to follow their natural self-interest
pursuit of self-interst in economic affairs would benefit every1
role of gov’t shifted to protect individuals, private property, other rights and no longer interfered in the trade of goods and labour.
economic liberalism and gov’t
gov’t shouldn’t interfere with economic liberty of individual and should restrict itself to only 3 primary functions
protect individuals under rule of law
preseve natrual rights of life, liberty and property
only step in if justfied popular consent
adam smiths role of gov’t
adam smith argued that the role of government should be limited to:
maintaining rule of law
ensuring contracts were followed
provide some public works (education, road maintenance for ex)
An ideology that believes resources should be controlled by the public for the benefit of everyone.
Utopian socialism
An ideology that believes in an ideal society with public education, economic equality, and sharing profits between factory owners and workers.
A theory developed by Karl Marx that critiques capitalism and advocates for a classless society where all resources are publicly owned and wealth is evenly distributed.
The working class, who Marx believed were oppressed by the bourgeoisie under capitalism.
The capitalist class, who Marx believed oppressed the proletariat.
The practical application of Marxism, where all land, labor, and capital are publicly owned and wealth is evenly distributed.
A form of government where one leader or a small group of people have complete control over the distribution of goods and services.
Centrally planned economy
An economic system where the government controls and plans the production and distribution of goods and services.
Means of production controlled and owned by the state, with a focus on common good over individual gain.
Means of production controlled by the state, with an increase in social services to ensure equality.
Classical Conservatism
Ideology that seeks to preserve the status quo and hierarchical system in society.