________ is a recessive genetic disorder resulting in the absence of the skin pigment melanin in hair and eyes.
Chloride ions
________ are not absorbed into the cells of a person with cystic fibrosis, causing thick mucus to block respiratory pathways in the lungs.
death rate
The ________ due to malaria is lower where the sickle- cell trait is higher.
________ is a recessive sex- linked disorder, characterized by delayed clotting of the blood.
________ is a recessive genetic disorder resulting in the absence of the skin pigment melanin in hair and eyes.
A(n) ________ who is heterozygous for a recessive disorder is called a carrier.
absence of pigment
The ________ in eyes can cause problems with vision.
In a(n) ________, males are represented by squares, and females are represented by circles.
hair loss
The allele for baldness causes ________ that follows a typical pattern called male- pattern baldness.
________ is a recessive genetic disorder characterized by the inability of the body to digest galactose.
recessive genetic disorder
A person with a(n) ________ will have a genotype for that trait.
________ are affected by recessive X- linked traits more often than are females because.
________ are the sight of protein synthesis in a cell.
Tay Sachs disease
________ is a recessive genetic disorder caused by the absence of the enzymes responsible for breaking down fatty acids called gangliosides.
Cystic fibrosis
________ is a recessive genetic disorder that affects the mucus- producing glands, digestive enzymes, and sweat glands.
blood group
The ABO ________ has three forms of alleles: IA, IB, and i.
________ can result in a set of three chromosomes called trisomy.
________ must be broken down into glucose by an enzyme named GALT.
Down ________ is the result of an extra chromosome 21.
inheritance pattern
True or false: Once a(n) ________ is determined, the genotypes of the individuals can largely be resolved through pedigree analysis.
________ controlled by genes located on the X chromosome are called sex- linked ________.
A(n) ________ that is not a sex ________ is called an autosome.
pale skin
A person with albinism has white hair, very ________, and pink pupils.
________ is the most common form of dwarfism.
Tay Sachs disease
In a person affected by ________, the gangliosides accumulate in the brain, inflating brain nerve cells and causing mental deterioration.
________ serve a protective function for the structure of the chromosome.
________ can result in extra copies of a certain chromosome or only one copy of a particular chromosome in the offspring.
True or false
Once an inheritance pattern is determined, the genotypes of the individuals can largely be resolved through pedigree analysis
In rabbits, four alleles code for coat color
C, cch, ch, and c. Select the statements that are true about these four alleles
The ABO blood group has three forms of alleles
IA, IB, and i