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The intentional killing of another person.
The killing of a child by his or her parent.
The killing of an infant within the first 24 hours of birth.
The murder of a parent by his or her child.
Mass Murder
A form of multiple murder that involves killing four or more victims in one event at a single location.
Spree Murder
A form of multiple murder that involves killing victims during one continuous event at two or more locations.
Serial Murder
A form of multiple murder that involves killing two or more victims at different times.
Organized Killer
A serial killer who is intelligent, socially adept, emotionally controlled, and plans the murder.
Disorganized Killer
A serial killer who is socially inept and engages in spontaneous attacks.
MacDonald Triad
A set of three behavioral problems—fire-setting, cruelty toward animals, and enuresis—that may predict serious forms of adult antisocial behavior.
Paraphilic Disorder
A paraphilia that causes distress or impairment or involves inflicting harm on another person.
Postpartum Psychosis
A rare form of severe mental illness occurring after childbirth that can cause delusions and bizarre behavior.
Strictly organized groups led by charismatic leaders, using manipulative tactics to control members.
Love Bombing
A recruitment technique used by cults involving excessive affection and flattery to attract new members.
General Aggression Model (GAM)
A model proposing that individual and situational characteristics influence aggression-related arousal, affect, and cognition.
Undercontrolled Offender
A personality type characterized by quick temper and failure to inhibit aggressive behavior.
Overcontrolled Offender
A personality type characterized by rigid behavioral inhibition against expressing aggression.
The ability to control emotional responses and choose appropriate behaviors.
Reactive Aggression
Violence that is often a response to perceived insults or provocations.
Trauma Reinforcers
Events in adulthood that trigger responses from similar traumatic experiences in childhood.
Principal Factors in School Shootings
Includes peer rejection, bullying, and individual psychological profiles of potential shooters.
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
A theory suggesting that the experience of inconsistency in thoughts creates anxiety, prompting attitude change to minimize the inconsistency.
Trait Theory
A theory that characterizes personality traits as quantitative differences among individuals on characteristics such as extraversion and introversion.