an explosion
(gases and dust)
earth was covered in volcanoes that released gases
The early atmosphere was probably mostly co2
Volcanoes released nitrogen, co2 and water vapour
Water vapour condensed to form oceans
Co2 was absorbed by the oceans, went through a series of reactions to form carbonate precipitates that formed sediment on the seabed
Green plants and algae evolved, they absorbed co2 and carried out photosynthesis
more and more co2 taken out of atmosphere
Forming rocks and crude oil
co2 was taken in by plants and converted into glucose and oxygen via photosynthesis
animals eat the plant carbon can be transferred to animals skeletons and shells
skeletons and shells get covered by sediment, forming sedimentary rocks eg. limestone
Remains of ancient animals were crushed by large scale movements of the Earth, and heated by Earth’s crust, forming fossil fuels and natural gas
Sun emits infrared waves which enter the atmosphere
Radiation is absorbed by the Earth
Longer wavelength radiation is emitted
Carbon dioxide stops further longer wavelength radiation escaping
deforestation - fewer trees = less co2 removed via photosynthesis
Burning fossil fuels - releases co2
Agriculture - cows produce methane
Land fill sites
Average temperature of the Earth increases
Extra co2 is released due to human activity
ice caps melting = causing a rise in sea levels = increasing flooding
Frequency of storms increase
Renewable energy sources or nuclear energy rather than fossil fuels
Tax companies based on the amount of greenhouse gases emitted
capturing carbon and storing it underground
governments worries that if they raise tax economic growth might be at risk
People’s minds are hard to change and might lack the education to understand
Nitrogen oxide
Sulfur dioxide
Carbon monoxide
Carbon dioxide
means hard to detect