Week 11 - Respiratory

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This part of the respiratory tract is comprised of the mouth, nose, nasal cavity, sinuses, throat, and larynx

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This part of the respiratory tract is comprised of the mouth, nose, nasal cavity, sinuses, throat, and larynx


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This section of the respiratory tract consist of the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli


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Staphylococcal, streptococcal, neisseria, and hemophilia species Are common normal flora of which part of the body


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What are two reasons why Pathogenic species don’t make us sick when found in the throat

Musicality escalator - collated cells move it back up out of throat

Microbial antagonism - competition / suppressed by normal flora

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What is the predominant bacterial pathogen found in the throat?

Streptococcal species

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This bacteria causes whooping cough or pertussis And has An available vaccination

Bordetella pertussis bacterium

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Whooping cough is most dangerous for what type of population

Young children, and babies, which requires hospitalization

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This type of bacteria causes diphtheria and is more common and under developed nations

Corynebacterium diphtheriae

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This infection causes a pseudo membrane in the back of the throat, but it also has a vaccination and an Antitoxin required for treatment.


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This is a group A bacteria that causes strep throat, skin, infections, beta, hemolytic, susceptible to bacitracin

Streptococcus pyogenes

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This is a group B bacteria that can be found in genital tract of women, and can result in neonatal meningitis

Streptococcus agalactiae

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This is a group of bacteria, which can be associated with urinary tract infections

enterococcus faecalis

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What test is used to identify groups?

Agglutination test

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This bacteria is alpha, hemolytic, capsule producing, causes pneumonia, diplococci arrangement, And is sensitive to antibiotics

Streptococcus pneumonia

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This bacteria is alpha, hemolytic, predominant and oral cavity and causes cavities


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What is the causative agent of streptococcal pharyngitis?

Streptococcus pyogenes

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This infection causes white patches on the tonsils and redness of the uvula in all arches, which is also known as strep throat

  • common in kids 5-15

Streptococcal pharyngitis

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When strep throat goes untreated, what can it develop into?

Rheumatic fever

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A rapid test for strep identifies which group of bacteria in a few minutes

Group a

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How is a rapid test for strep done

  1. Tonsil is swabbed

  2. Swab is inserted into a specialized contain

  3. It is positive if it reacts with a protein on the surface of the bacteria

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One of the more common causes of bacterial pneumonia

Streptococcus pneumonia

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On the old-school catalase test, staph is negative or positive for catalase and strep, is negative negative or positive for catalase

Staph- positive

Strep- negative

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This is used for the presumptive identification of streptococcus pneumonia from other alpha, hemolytic streptococci, such as streptococcus viridans


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This is used to differentiate streptococcus pyogenes from other streptococcal species


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What type of bacteria is sensitive to bacitracin and which bacteria is resistant

S. Pyogenes - sensitive

Strep - resistant

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This media is used to isolate viridans streptococci - common cause of dental carriers

Mitis salivarius agar

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What is mitis salivarius selective indifferent differential for

Selective - Inhibits most gram-positive, except streptococci and inhibit Graham negative

Differential - Growth differences are useful in identification of streptococcus species

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mitis salivarius agar

  • large, pale blue, or dark, blue, opaque, mucoid colonies with a gumdrop appearance

  • Blue small colonies with the dome center

  • Race convex colonies with the frosted glass appearance

  • Colonies that appear embedded in the agar

  • Dark blue black colonies

  • s. Salivarius

  • S. Oralia

  • S. Mutans

  • S. Sanguis

  • S. Faecalis

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What type of environment do streptococci prefer?

CO2 rich

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What method is use to fill the environment with CO2?

Candle jar method

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