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extending power, control, and/or influence, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and/or economic control of other areas
The Berlin Conference
A conference organized by Germany’s Otto von Bismarck in which any European country could claim land in Africa by notifying other countries and demonstrating control of that region.
How many Countries were at the Berlin Conference that were Africa?
How many countries were at the Berlin Conference?
Motives for Imperialism
Political/Military (land)
Religious (spread Christianity)
Social Darwinism (had to bring civilization to less fortunate)
Economic (get materials for Industrial revolution)
A country or territory governed internally by a foreign power (French Somaliland)
A type of imperialism in which the imperializing country gives the imperialized country protection in return for exclusive trade rights (Niger river Delta)
Sphere of Influence
An area in which a power has exclusive trade/investment rights (Liberia)
Economic Imperialism
When a company imperializes (India)
Indirect Control
A type of Imperialism in which local rulers are put in charge and the goal is to eventually let the people govern themselves
Direct Control
A type of Imperialism in which people from the imperializing country are in charge and is usually to exploit the people
A government having vast control of areas (Britain)
New vs. Old Imperialism
New Imperialism was to get more resources and land and it was easier due to the inventions of transportation (railroad, steam engine), whilst old imperialism was usually in the Americas starting with Colombus
What was the time period of Imperialism
Zulu Chief which united the tribes in South Africa, making it hard to colonize
Dutch people in South Africa originally thought to have helped with the passage around Africa, and then Participated in the Boer War
Boer War
A war between the Boers, the British and the Zulu in which there was total warfare and the British eventually won South Africa
Limiting something’s freedom in order to provide for their needs (like a father to a child)
The process of making something that resembles oneself (used in colonies)
Menelik II (Ethiopia)
The king that made Ethiopia stay independent by using brilliant strategy against Italian invaders
Positive Effects of Imperialism
Industrial revolution brought to non-industrial, technological advances, increase in raw materials
Negative Effects of Imperialism
Decline of culture, Racism, cruelty, Famine, Power Struggle, Warfare, environmental damage
Soldiers in India of Indian descent in India
“Jewel in the Crown”
The phrase used to describe India because it brought the most wealth to the British empire
Sepoy Mutiny/Rebellion of India 1857
A rebellion started by gossip that there was pork/cow fat on cartriges, causing locals to unite and fight the british
The ruler of India
King Mongkut
The king of Siam (modern day Thailand) which managed to modernize his country to stay independent
“The White Man’s Burden”
A poem written by Rudyard Kipling in which he describes that it is the burden of the white man to advance and westernize civilizations elsewhere. (Was one of the major reasons used for Imperialism)