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metabolic pathways
energy can be released and transformed by
metabolic pathways
A series of separate, intermediate reactions
Each reaction is catalyzed by a specific enzyme
Controlled by one or few key enzymes that can be inhibited or activated
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
main energy currency in cells
Energy released by ______ reactions is stored in bonds of ATP
when ATP is _____, free energy is released to drive _____ reactions
Synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi requires
exergonic reactions release energy that is used to drive the __________ of ADP+Pi to make ATP
drive an exergonic reaction
energy released by the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP to Pi can then be used to do what?
it adds energy
how does adding a third phosphate group (phosphorylation) impact energy?
releases energy
removing the phosphate group (hydrolysis) does what to energy?
recharged and reused
ATP can be ______ and _____
10 M molecules of ATP every second
cells can make and break ATP extremely ____
ATP releases energy to endergonic reactions
How is ATP used by the cell?
Amino acids
are produced from the metabolism of proteins
are produced from the metabolism of carbohydrates
fatty acids
are produced from the metabolism of fats
Pyruvate and acetyl-CoA
are generally metabolized in the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation
cancer cells
are dependent on much higher rates of glucose uptake
cancer cells
this is an example of aerobic glycolysis
deviate glycolysis oxidation to lactate production even in the presence of oxygen
metabolized via glycolysis, leading to pyruvate which can be reduced to lactate
they enter via pyruvate dehydrogenation as acetyl-CoA
what is the process of pyruvate and acetyl-CoA entrance into the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle
energy released during respiration is conserved as
have an outer membrane, which allows the passage of most small molecules and ions
ATP synthesis located in or on inner membrane of mitochondria
what are electron- transferring molecules of respiratory chain and enzymes responsible for?
enzymes of TCA (krebs cycle)a
what is inside the space of mitochondrial matrix
Electron carrier molecules are arranged in electron transport chains that produce ATP and NADPH, which temporarily store chemical energy
The light reactions capture energy from sunlight, which they change to chemical energy that is stored in molecules of NADPH and ATP
Light reactions release oxygen gas as a waste product
The Calvin cycle reactions use chemical energy from NADPH and ATP that were produced in the light reactions
ATP formation during photosynthesis
what are the three uses of ATP?
chemical use of ATP
enzymes oversee the transfer of energy from ATP hydrolysis to the formation of another chemical bond
Enzyme transfers AMP to AMINO ACID. Two phosphate groups are released
Enzyme transfers bond to tRNA
Charged tRNA and AMP are released
steps of chemical use for ATP
mechanical use of ATP
hydrolysis of ATP to ADP causes a conformational change- the protein changes shape- that generates a mechanical force
ATP binds to MYOSIN
ATP hydrolyzes
Releasing phosphate group powers the cranking motion of myosin, which in turn moves the actin along
ADP is released, cycle begins again
steps of mechanical use for ATP
transport use of ATP
ATP in the sodium-potassium pump
pump binds to ATP and CALCIUM ION
phosphate is transferred to pump, ADP is released, and Ca++ moves out of cell
phosphate is released and pump returns to original position
steps of transport use of ATP
is ATP a nucleotide
UTP and CTP and GTP
(guanine triphosphate)
(cytosine triphosphate)
uridine triphosphate)
ATP does not only store energy, but it also stores
RNA polymerases link them into long chains to make messenger, transfer, ribosomal, and other types of RNA
what links building blocks of RNA?
___can also be used to hold and transfer energy
glycolysis (first stage)
pyruvate oxidation (second stage)
citric acid cycle (third stage)
oxidative phosphorylation (fourth stage)
Carbohydrate Catabolism stages
no, aerobic reaction
does glycolysis require oxygen?
Results in formation of Acetyl CoA
Important in the citric acid cycle
Does not produce ATP but sets the stage for its production in the next stages
what occurs during pyruvate oxidation (carbohydrate catabolism)
Releases carbon dioxide as a byproduct
Two ATP molecules
further oxidizes pyruvate to get more energy
what happens during citric acid cycle (carbohydrate catabolism)
electrons are passed from one protein complex to another to reach final complex
Oxygen molecules accept four protons or hydrogen ions to create water molecules as a byproduct
Wants to generate more ATP
what occurs during oxidative