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Variety, Balence, and moderation in food choices.
A healthy diet includes
Calories from foods that offer little to no nutritional value, often found in sugary or processed foods.
Empty Calories
Published every 5 years since 1980 by HHS/USDA
Dietary Guidlines
fruit/vegies/grains, fat free or low fat dairy, protein sources, oils, exercise.
5 overarching Concepts in dietary guidlines by HHS/USDA
solid fats and added sugars/salt
Healthy Pattersn limit (SoFAS)
Foods with nutrients added to them.
Fortified Foods
Nutrients are added back that were removed during processing (Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Iron)
Enriched Foods
Increses quality of life for all
eliiminate health disparities
make social and physical environments
Healthy people 2020 (objectives)
Recommended Dietary Allowances for specific nutrients (for healthy people and catagorized by age group)
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)
General recommendationns for how many calories one should eat a day based on age, gender, weight, height, and activity level.
Estimated Energy Requirements (EER)
Carbs: 45%-65%
Fat: 20%-35%
Protein: 10%-35%
Acceptable Macronutrietn Distribution Range (AMDR)
USDA’s MyPlate is daily plan for food intake
Replaced MyPyramid
5 food groups of MyPlate
lets you enter personal info to get a personal meal plan
Number of servings from each food group
Vegetables → 3 cups
Fruits → 2 cups
Grains → 6 oz
Dairy → 3 cups
Protein → 6 oz (RDA 0.8g per Kg)
How much of each food group to eat
Food and Drug Administration FDA (do the Packaged foods)
Food Safety and Inspection Service of the USDA (perishables)(meat, poultry, and eggs)
Regulations for food contents regulated by 2 federal agencies
5% or less = low
20% or more = high
HIgh or low percentages for food labelling
Describes a relationship between a food and a reduced risk of a disease or a health-related condition (HAS TO ADDRESS OR LINK TO A DISEASE)
Health Claims
Describes level of nutrient in a foods (such as 50% less sugar or fat free)
Nutrient Content Claim
Describes the role of a nutrient or ingredient on the structure or function in human body (helps build strong bones) (does not have a disease addressed) (packed with vitamin C)
Structure/Function Claim
EAR- estimated average Requirements (good for ___ of people)
RDA - recommended Dietary average (good for ___ of people)
is the GI tract internal or external environment
Mouth → esophagus → stomach → small intestine (3 segments) → large intestine → anus/rectum
The tract itslef (6 segments)
Duodenum(short), jejuneum(long), ilieum(short)
Segments of small intestine
intrinsic factor and HCl and pepsin, by parietal cells
What does the stomach produce and what produces it
vitamin b12
what does intrinsic factor bind to
Bile (12 oz a day)
what does the liver produce
digests and absorbs fats/lipids (has hydrophobic and hydrophillic ends)
what does bile do
97% water, 3% bile salts
What is bile made of
what are bile salts
4 ringed structure with a steroid nucleus
structure of cholesteraol and what does it have
what macronutrient is cholesterol
Stores bile
What does the gallbladder do
It emulsifies fat droplets from food letting them move through your body
What does cholesterol (bile) do (and what does it do this to)
mixing of layers
What is emulsification
insulin and glucagon
What does the pancreas secrete
Insulin (most anabolic hormone in body.
Glucagon is catabolic
secreted into bloodstream
What are the endocrine functions of the pancrease
secreted out of bloodstream
pancreatic juice goes into first portion of duodenum back up the route bile took to get there
Exocrine functions of pancrease
This contains Amylase, Lipase, and Protease (one more thing there is bicarbonate ion (neutralizes stomach acid)
What does the pancreatic juice contain
Breakdown of food to smaller components
Done at primary site of small intestine up until jejunum
What is digestion and where does it happen
The period of time it takes food to travel length of the digestive tract (mouth to anus)
Transit time
Fiber (30g) and exercise decreases Transit time (Its good to have fast transit time since it reduces risk of colon cancer)
How to decrease Transit Time
Involves chewing, mixing, and peristalsis (swallowing)
Mechanical Digestion
Peristalsis: wavelike muscular movements (move food along tract)
What is peristalsis
bowel movement
Secretions and enzymes
Chemical processes
Circular muscles that separate organs of GI tract (stops back tracking)
Sphincters (what are they?)
Lower esophageal sphincter
Separates esophagus and stomach
Pyloric sphincter
Separates stomach and duodenum
Ilececal valve
Between Ilium and colon (at cecum)
What are the 3 main sphincters
Once food mixes with stomach acid it becomes Chyme
What is Chyme
We can only absorb monosaccharides (not di or tri)
What are carbs broken down to to be absorbed
What are proteins broken down to to be absorbed
Monopeptides (single amino acids), Dipeptides, Tripeptides, are all absorbable (Oligopeptides (4) are unabsorbable)
We can absorb glycerol (3-carbon chain) or fatty acids (cannot absorb diglycerides or triglycerides)
What are fats/lipids broken down to to be absorbed
Enterocytes (intestine cells) have enzymes in their cells that cleave peptides into individual amino acids
What cleaves and breakesdown peptide chains in your body
Fibers on cribriform plate that detect smell
What in the nose detecrts smell
What is the sweetest carb
Brain, digestive system, and smell areas have taste receptors
what places in our bodies have taste receptors
Saliva is added to help lubricate food
Enzymes are released
Salivary amylase (amylase also found in pancreas
Lingual lipase (tongue lipid enzyme)
Chemical Digestion
Mainly mouth and stomach
where does digestion take place
Absorption takes place in intestine not stomach
Where does absorption take place
Only water and alcohol are absorbed in stomach
Whats absorbed in the stomach
The inactive form is pepsinogen and the enzyme that unfolds and breaks down complex protein peptides.
What does pepsin do and what is the inactive form
product of food mixing with stomach acid (gastric secretions)
What is chyme
HCl, Mucus (from goblet cells), pepsinogen, and hormone gastrin (causes stomach to contract)
What is secreted when food enters
sticky due to carbs (sugars) and protein in it
why is saliva and mucus sticky
30g of fiber
how much fiber do we need a day
determined by shape and structure
how is protein function determined
folding tissues in inner stomach (makes room by collapsing)
Gastric Rugae
Stomach and oral cavity
Where is Rugae found
3 mL of chyme squirted in intervals into small intestine
how much and how does food enter duodenum
When chyme goes thorugh pyloric spphinctor and into duodenum
Where does neutralization of stomach acid happen
Bicarbonate Ion from pancreas neutralizes stomach acid in the duodenum when it mixes with the chyme.
What neutralizes stomach acid in the duodenum
they both secrete digestive enzymes
what small structures assist in nutrient absorption
In the small intestine and increase SA, using villi and microvilli to increase absorption
where are Plicae circulares and what do they do
Proteins and Carbs. absorbed into villi and into bloodstream
what macronutrients are water soluble and where are they absorbed
What are the cells of the intestine
Into lymphatic systemw
Where do lipids (fatty acids and glycerides) get absorbed
what part of the small intestine has the most absorption and digestion
neutralizes acidic chyme from stomach from pancreas
what does Alkaline bicarbonate do and where
Gallbladder assists in digestion of _____
Lacteals and Then travel through lymph system
Fat and fat-soluble substances are absorbed into
Most minerals (NOT electrolytes)
whats absorbed in the Duodenum and upper jejunum
Carbs, amino acids, water soluble vitamins
whats absorbed in the Jejunum and upper ileum
Lipids and fat soluble vitamins
whats absorbed in the Terminal segment the ilium
Little water, plant fibers (30g), indigestibles, bacteria
Digestive contents at terminus of ileum
Have phospholipids (like diglycerides with a phosphate group)
What do enterocytes have
Fatty acids (hydrophobic) flow right into them
Fat can also go down concentration gradients
How do fats get absorbed into enterocytes
Denatures proteins carrying nutrients and vitamins to unlock them
what does HCl do in stomach
acts as chaperone protein for B12
What does intrinsic factor do
Large Intestine
Where are the microbes that breakdown (Eat) fiber
12-24 hour
how long is normal transit time
Propulsion, absorption of water and sodium, prep of waste loss
Large Intestine functions
Produces 80% of body's Vitamin K and some B Vitamin
Ferments (breakdowns) fiber to short chain fatty acids (4-3 C chain)
What does bacteria in Large Intestine produce
Short chain fatty acids are #1 fuel source for intestine
SCFA strengthen Gap junctions between colonocytes and enterocytes
(links fiber to colon health)
What do Short chain fatty acids do for Intestine
In duodenum with pancreatic Amylase
Digestion of Carbs
Maltose (Maltase)
Glucose + Glucose
Lactose (Lactase)
Glucose + Galactose
Sucrose (Sucrase)
Glucose + Fructose
What 3 enzymes digest disaccharides
always present on enterocytes (on microvilli)
(Usually they are secreted by pancreas but these are different)
where are maltase, Lactase, and Sucrase
transports dietary fats (only dietary fats) (through eating)
What does chylomicrons do
into lacteals of lymphatic system
Where do fats get transported