Properties Of Water

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________ and adhesion: Water molecules are cohesive, meaning they stick together, and adhesive, meaning they stick to other substances.

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________ is a unique substance that has several properties that make it essential for life.

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Universal solvent

________: Water is often called the ________ because it can dissolve many substances, including polar and ionic compounds.

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High heat capacity

________: Water has a(n) ________, which means it can absorb and release large amounts of heat without changing temperature significantly.

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High surface tension

________: Water has a(n) ________, which allows it to form droplets and resist external forces.

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Water is a ______ molecule, which means it has a positive and negative end

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High heat capacity

Water has a ________ which means it can absorb and release large amounts of heat without changing temperature significantly

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High surface tension

Water has a ___________ , which allows it to form droplets and resist external forces

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Cohesion and adhesion

Water molecules are ______ meaning they stick together, and ________ meaning they stick to other substances

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Universal solvent

Water is often called the _________ because it can dissolve many substances, including polar and ionic compounds

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